“I’m not sure, but what I do know is summoning more monsters isn’t going to help anyone.”

“I wasn’t going to summon a monster….” Primrose felt her chest loosen.

“Regardless, you have a busy day tomorrow. Let’s go get some food.” Haruka grinned, and out of the library, they went.

Chapter Twenty-Three

Primrosespentthefollowingday being plucked and scrubbed by Sera and Mrs. Sharp. Pink rouge was applied to her cheeks in brute force, and she felt like a doll.They’re making me his play toy.

“Is all of this really necessary?” She asked.

Adora eyed her up and down. “I know you hate this. Truly, I do. Feelings aside, we must turn you into a proper bride for Hugo Mercer, or he will cause trouble for us with the queen. Once the wedding has occurred, you can go back to being difficult.”

“What would The Queen do if we disobeyed?”

“Order your execution, claim you, decide to give him Sera instead, the possibilities are endless, and all of them are terribly unfavorable.” Adora’s eyes were somber.

I couldn’t do that to Sera and Haruka.

“I’ll be right back, I’m going to fetch the dress Mrs. Sharp and I made you.” Sera smiled and went out the door of the bedroom.

“We worked very hard on this dress and your wedding gown. I know you hate this situation, so the least we could do is ensure you feel beautiful,” said Mrs. Sharp, her large brown eyes gleaming.

Sera returned holding a long, deep purple dress. Primrose stood, and the three women slipped it over her head. Her arms went through the billowing sleeves as they tightened the back. It fell off her shoulders, with ruffles lining the edge. The boning of the bodice fit the supple curve of her chest well, accentuating it. Primrose looked in the mirror and felt strikingly beautiful, despite the circumstances.

“Here, I made a necklace to match it,” Sera said and came up behind her, placing a purple band around her. It had tulle along the edges and three pink dewdrop crystals lining the front.

Primrose smiled, though it did not reach her eyes. Adora pulled back strands of her hair and clipped them behind her head.

“You look stunning,” Her mother said. A knock sounded from outside the door.

“Can I come in?” Bazz asked.

“Of course,” Adora answered.

Primrose’s tall, redheaded father entered the room. He donned a vest over his tunic—proper attire.

“Mr. Mercer is here. He is waiting for you in the dining room,” he said.

“Let me run downstairs and ensure the food will be ready.” Mrs. Sharp dashed out of the room.

Primrose hugged her parents and crossed through the doorway, heading downstairs towards the dining room. The room was dark, lit only by the moon and candlelight. Mr. Mercer sat in one of the chairs and patted the one next to him. Primrose walked over and sat three chairs down.

“You look delightful,” he said. Primrose fought the urge to gag.

“Thank you.”

“I wanted to take you out, somewhere in Vero Village. The Duke and Duchess denied my request and required we meet here.”

She shifted in her seat. “Oh….”

“It was very frustrating, not being able to have a private dinner with my bride.” Hugo sighed.

“Thank you for following their instructions.”

“Was this your request?” The blonde hairs of his eyebrows furrowed.

“No, my parents haven’t let me travel in many years,” she explained.