“And yet I heard a rumor of you running around with a strange man in Vero Village.”

Primrose flinched at his words as Mrs. Sharp entered with a tray full of pasta and salad.

“That’s why they call them rumors. They must have been mistaken,” she lied.

Mrs. Sharp bowed before crossing the threshold out of the dining space.

Hugo lifted his fork towards his face. “Dairy makes me ill, but oh, does it taste good.”

“So you eat it anyway? Even though it makes you sick?”

“My stomach disagreeing with me will not prevent me from enjoying life’s many pleasures, especially not cheese.” He smiled and took a large bite.

“I’m so sorry, I like cheese a lot too, but I have a similar reaction.” She smiled.If nothing else, at least we have one thing in common.

“You should eat more food. I like my women to be voluptuous,” he said, bits of food falling out of his mouth between words.

She felt her stomach hollow out, any hunger leaving her body.I do not wish to be what he wants.

Primrose poured herself a glass of water and took a sip. His blue eyes latched onto her chest, and she felt nauseous as she looked away from his gripping stare.

“If Sera had your breasts and hair and your mother’s mystic eyes, that would be ideal. It’s a shame your cousin looks so much like your father.” Hugo reached a cold hand and pulled her chin to face him. “They are identical looking. It’s grotesque, really.”

Primrose frowned. “I think Sera is beautiful and my father is a very handsome man. It is rude of you to imply otherwise.”

“Sera is beautiful, I do agree,” he said. “I just prefer my women to remind me of home.”

Primrose felt heat rise in her hands as she fought the urge to engulf him in fire. She could smell the magic coursing through her veins.It would be so easy.She shook her head, knowing that despite him being a disgusting, prejudiced pervert, killing him would be wrong. She lifted her fork and took a bite of salad instead.

Sera entered the room with a bottle of wine. “Shall I pour you a glass, Mr. Mercer?”

“I would like that. You need to teach Primrose some proper manners. She has insulted me greatly,” he stated.

“Oh, really?” Sera began pouring but spilled some onto his white tunic. “I’m so sorry, what a mess I’ve made!”

“This tunic was expensive! I purchased it in South-Terra a few years ago. I cannot believe this,” Hugo’s voice was enraged.

“Let me help you clean up,” Sera said and winked at Primrose, who quietly scooted towards the door.

“I will see you at the wedding, little rat,” he said as she exited through the doorway.

Chapter Twenty-Four

ThefollowingdayPrimrosesat on her favorite bench in the garden. She was reading a poetry book when Haruka and Sera came and joined her.

″How was yesterday?” Haruka asked.

″Urgh,” Primrose groaned. “He’s disgusting.”

″What happened?”

″He was sexualizing Sera and my mom! Comparing our bodies to one another, telling me what his ideal body would be… as if we’re meat in a butcher shop.”

Haruka’s face turned into a snarl. “I fucking hate him.”

″I couldn’t hear everything from outside the dining room, but I tried listening as much as possible.” Sera cut in.

″Did you hear him call me a rat as I left?” Primrose asked.