Chapter Eighteen

Eatingasandwichinthe dining area, Primrose stared at the bright blue sky through the windowed ceilings. Clouds slowly drifted by in different shapes and arrays. As Protego used his shadow magic to imitate the forms, she watched in awe.

“That one looks like a crescent moon,” Primrose said. Protego’s magic whirled around them, forming a moon small enough to hold. She placed her sandwich on the table and opened her hands. The shadows balanced on top of Primrose’s open palm.

The corners of her mouth turned upwards, and she watched the shadow moon dissipate into nothing.

“What does this one look like to you?” he asked, red eyes glittering.

“A rabbit!”

Protego’s shadows swirled around, forming a tiny rabbit. It floated in his hands until he sent it hopping towards her. Primrose’s smile transformed into the widest grin as the shadow rabbit danced around them in circles. Protego moved his hand in circular movements, and more rabbits hopped toward her. He stood, arms moving in wave-like motions as the rabbit scampered across them in spirals.

Haruka and Sera came into the dining area, fingers intertwined, with mischievous expressions on their faces. Protego halted and the shadows vanished.

“How’re the two of you feeling?” Protego asked.He’s being so polite. It’s too bad they’re definitely up to trouble.

“We’re okay, but we’re having some trouble,” Sera answered. She tilted her head, appearing like a green-eyed doe.

“Let me help. What’s going on?” he offered.

“The cooler in the kitchen isn’t working, I know you’re a sorcerer… maybe you could come up with something,” Haruka suggested, winking at Primrose.

“Any idea what’s wrong with it?” Protego’s face turned pensive.

“It’s out of cool air! Just needs to be refilled,” Sera said.

“I’m on it!” Protego announced before Primrose could stop him. As he crossed the threshold towards the kitchen, Sera let out a small giggle.

“Cool air? Seriously? I thought you two were more creative thanthis.” Primrose’s eyebrows scrunched together.

“And yet he’s being obedient, like a good little dog,” Haruka snickered.

“Stop that,” Primrose demanded.

“We’re just having a little fun, Prim,” Sera said.

Primrose left the brightly lit room and headed for the kitchen. Flanking her were Sera and Haruka, the two young women arm-in-arm. Primrose looked back and smiled.

“I suppose we can have alittlefun,” Primrose said, caution in her tone.He’s going to be so mad.

They entered the kitchen, a wide-open room with stone walls and a giant column in the center holding the oven. The brass pans covered the racks on the walls, and the tables were empty. Primrose wondered where Protego was.

Sera pointed to the cooler. “Well, there it is. Do you think he realized it was working and went off to do something else?”

“No, I feel like he would have said something to us,” Primrose said.

Haruka’s face was contemplative. “Should we check outside? It’s getting chilly out.”

“We can check!” Primrose exclaimed.

The three women walked out of the kitchen and past the dark castle walls, their dresses swaying with each step. As they moved beyond the floral murals, they made their way through the large front doors and into the front grounds. Protego stood next to an empty glass bottle, cork in hand, and moved his shadows around in vast waves. He beckoned them towards the glass, pulling them nearly in before slamming the cork and closing it shut.

“Aha!” he shouted, voice loud with pride.

“What are you doing?” Haruka asked, judgment forming in her features.

“I am trapping cool air to fill the cooler! As requested,” he explained.