Primrose put her hand up to her mouth, suppressing a giggle.

“You are such a weirdo,” Sera laughed, looking at Protego.

“Are you two jealous of my solution? It’s not your fault you were ill-equipped to handle this problem,” he said.

“Ill-equipped because we’re women?!” Haruka scowled.

“No, oh no. I meant because of your lack of magic….” Protego said defensively.

“How about you show us how well your solution works then.” She smirked, glancing at Primrose and Sera. Primrose rolled her eyes.

“Okay, I will.” Protego grabbed the bottle and walked through the front doors.

Primrose headed towards the kitchen, anxious for this prank to end.

Haruka and Sera appeared eager, both women smiling sharply.

Protego grabbed the short metal cooler and opened it. He wafted in the cold air and frowned, “I thought it was broken?”

“It’s made of magic. Of course it’s not broken.” Haruka laughed.

“And even if it was, collecting cool air wouldn’t fix it,” Sera said.

Haruka crossed her arms, “You can’t collect air anyhow.”

“Yes, you can!” Protego beamed.

“No, you definitely cannot. I’m a trained Master. You can’t just bottle up air,” Haruka said.

“You were trained in Language Arts and the Ancient Language, correct? Also, weren’t your poor language lessons the reason Primrose messed up the spell in the first place?” he asked, cocking an eyebrow up.

“Now, okay, she is not a bad Master. I am just a terribly chatty student,” Primrose explained.

“Jokes about Haruka’s qualifications aside, gather around ladies.” Protego grinned.

They circled around him, and Protego opened the glass bottle. Cool air whirled out, filling the space around them for a few seconds before merging with the air they breathed.

“What was that!?” Sera asked.

Protego’s face was full of pride. “I’m magical too, remember?”

Chapter Nineteen

Inthemiddleofthe night, Primrose awoke from her nightmare to find Protego’s arms wrapped around her. Sweat beaded on her forehead, and her skin felt sticky as she lay there, processing her dream.

“Drudoth?” Protego whispered.

“No, it was just a regular nightmare,” Primrose explained, nuzzling her face into his chest.

“Are you okay?”

“I’m not entirely sure. We’ve been through a lot in just a season, all of us. Between all the monsters and magic, I just feel a little scared and out of place.”

Protego kissed her forehead. “Scared of what, starling?”

“Everything. All the unknowns. The future, mostly.”

“Perhaps I can ease some of your fear. What would you like to know? I can’t predict the future, but I can shed some light on the past… if you’d like.” Protego moved onto his side and propped himself up on an elbow. Primrose turned to face him, placing her hands beneath her cheek. She looked at him, eyes heavy with yearning.