“Primrose seems to find many uses for me,” Protego said pertly. He raised one eyebrow at Primrose, tongue showing through his tan cheek.

Primrose swallowed hard, close to spitting out the sip of water she had taken. Coughing, she made wide eyes at Protego.

“Men. Ick.” Haruka stood, and Protego softly grabbed her wrist.

“Thank you,” he said. “For everything.”

“I take care of my pack. Don’tevermake me repeat this—but I like you. You’re bold, and you take care of them too. I still don’t trust you, but you’re alright.” Haruka simpered and exited through the entryway, waving goodbye.

A day later, Protego sat on the ground in the garden, and Primrose lay sprawled across with her head in his lap. As he brushed back blonde strands of hair, the two beamed at each other, her eyes full of desire. She felt secure, as though they could take on the world together. Primrose sensed the taut muscles of his thighs beneath his trousers, which led her to imagine him without them. Distracting herself, she looked out at the garth.

“The flowers… they’re not wilted anymore. Their colors had become dull and vacant of life, but they’re bright again. Why is that?” Primrose asked.

Protego’s face appeared pensive. “Why are they vibrant again, or why did they start to die?”

“Yes? They usually die in winter, but they started dying soon after the monsters appeared, which was in summer… it just isn’t adding up,” Primrose said.

“I think it is the spell; it is like a plague upon the land. Although the spell is still active, Alina’s dark energy is no longer looming over this castle, and nature can heal.”

“I’m glad. It’s going to get chilly soon, you know? You might have to wear a tunic under that jacket,” she teased, raising one eyebrow.

“Wait, what’s that?” Protego pointed towards Primrose’s chest. She looked down, and he flicked a finger against her button nose.

“You’re a prick.”

The corner of Protego’s mouth turned upward as he stood. He walked onto the gravel path, stepping around tiny flowers as he made his way over to a bushel and plucked a little blue flower. He offered Primrose the flower, and her cheeks heated. She tucked it behind her ear.

“I wish all the flowers didn’t die in winter. It makes me so sad,” she said.The flowers make me feel safe, as though the realm is thriving.

“I know,” Protego replied.

Haruka and Sera ran into the garden, skirts bouncing, happily yelping as Primrose stood.

“Akil is here! He made it back,” Haruka announced, grinning ear to ear.

Master Zuberi made his way into the courtyard, and Primrose’s breath caught as she took in the sight of him.He’s alive, thank The Committee.

Primrose looked at him, rich brown skin and pearl-white teeth glowing in the sunlight, and she screamed. “I am so happy you are home!”

She ran, leaping into her master’s arms. He welcomed her embrace, a loving gleam in his eyes.

“I am grateful you’re all alive. I heard that monsters were lurking around Vero Village, wreaking havoc. It’s nice to see you without a scratch,” Master Zuberi said, relieved.

“John-Edward will tell you all about his scratches,” Haruka said with a mocking grin.

Sera’s emerald green eyes narrowed. “Be nice, Haruka. He is far more than justscratched.”

“Yes, my love. Anything you say, my love.” Haruka smirked.

Primrose rolled her eyes, and Master Zuberi looked at her in question. She nodded a silent answer. He smiled back, understandingly.I knew he’d approve.

“I hate to break up the welcome party, but do you come bearing good news?” Protego asked.

“Perhaps I acquired a certain flower from a certain sorceress,” Master Zuberi confirmed.

The castle walls opened to the square courtyard garden, which Primrose took in as they discussed the next steps. Green vines grew on the sides of every wall except the one that led back into the castle, as the glass doors frequently opened and closed. There were vibrant floral bushes, stone benches, and a marble fountain for birds. Primrose considered how she’d miss her garden. It was her haven, where she went when it felt the world was against her or when she missed visiting Vero Village.

Interrupting Primrose’s line of thought, Haruka pushed Primrose and Sera towards the opening that led back inside and shouted.