“Time to save the fucking realm!”

Chapter Seventeen

Thesmellofoldbooks filled the air as Primrose entered the library. It reeked of magic, too. That otherworldly, crisp scent filled her nostrils, and Primrose looked as Protego scrunched his nose.He probably smells it too; dark magic lingers here, where this all began.

Haruka followed shortly behind, along with Sera and Master Zuberi. The open, but well-furnished space was as messy as the last time. Primrose was in it, and she acknowledged the large stack of books placed on the long table.

“You guys have been busy, I see,” Primrose said and pointed to the scattered papers. She read the letters, not fully understanding. In both Haruka’s and John-Edward’s handwriting, the scribbles contained letters she recognized in mismatched order. The Ancient Language.Whose handwriting is that?

Primrose continued flipping through the pages, trying to make sense of it all. She wished she had paid more attention to Haruka’s language lessons. Primrose could easily read the third style of handwriting, neat, like an elder, someone with generations to perfect it. The script swirled in an atypical pattern, extra adornments on seemingly random letters.It’s so pretty, is this Protego’s handwriting?

“John-Edward and I did our best to find what you requested,” Haruka replied, looking at Master Zuberi.

The tall, handsome older man crossed the room towards the table and fingered through the pages. His beard was grayer than Primrose had remembered, and it contrasted beautifully with his deep red-brown skin.I’m so glad he’s alive.

As Haruka and Master Zuberi continued talking, Primrose’s mind went foggy. She looked over at Haruka, whose strong muscles were shown off by her sleeveless green tunic. Long, straight black hair billowed down her back.I’m so grateful for Haruka, my truest friend.

Primrose glanced at her cousin Sera, the freckled face beauty, and her heart grew warm. As she looked over at Protego, the man she had become so fond of, it swelled in her chest. Warmth filled her body until she considered the future. The future, which was null of these moments. Primrose’s future felt meaningless if it were to be an empty one. She considered her life without teasing Haruka, without being awoken by Sera’s tea. She imagined what it would be like to never have discussions with Master Zuberi and Mr. Sharp, to never feel her mother’s warm embrace, or see her father’s lanky figure.Protego. I’ll never feel the warmth of his mouth on mine or the fire that grows inside me in his presence. I’ll spend every day on the seas with strangers. With Hugo Mercer.

The dizzy, woozy feeling engulfed Primrose’s body as she struggled to balance. Feeling her head lighten, her vision of the world became static and a bright white. Then, suddenly, darkness.

Primrose awoke to the touch of warm skin. Protego’s strong arms wrapped around her, holding her close. Haruka and Master Zuberi hovered over them. Her head felt light, but the world came back into focus.

Primrose shook her head. “Did I really faint?”

“Yeah, you completely conked out,” Haruka told her.

“Are we sure her head isn’t injured? If Adora could check her out….” Master Zuberi paused. “The Duke and Duchess haven’t returned yet, have they?”

“No,” Protego replied.

“I would like us to get everything back to normal before they return,” Primrose said, her voice shaky.

Haruka nodded. “I agree. The less they know, the better.”

Primrose looked around the room. “Where’s Sera?”

“She’s fetching you some herbal tea,” Master Zuberi informed her. “She’ll be right back, and then once you’re up to it, we’re going to perform the spell.”

The room was quiet as Primrose collected her thoughts. Protego gently kissed her forehead, their hands intertwining. She felt his heartbeat against her back, his aura comforting her. His body rocked back and forth, a soothing motion they do to babes. It lulled her. Primrose’s breaths eased as her body calmed, her heart no longer a racing horse inside her chest.

“Do you think I’ll grow to love the sea?” she pondered aloud.

She watched as Haruka grimaced, but Master Zuberi gave a wide grin.

“I think it is up to you. You must choose joy for yourself. I believe you’ll choose joy,” he assured her.

Sera entered with a tray full of treats. Placing it on the table, Haruka shot over towards it and snagged a cookie for herself.

Pouring a cup of tea, Sera asked, “How exactly did all of this happen? In your words, not Haruka’s.”

Haruka’s eyes rolled as she devoured the sugar cookie.

“Shortly after I was engaged to Hugo, I decided to perform a spell… it went poorly, and I accidentally summoned a bunch of monsters from all over the realm of Terra and the realm of Spirito,” Primrose explained.

Sera walked over and handed Primrose a cup of tea. “And then?”

“And then I almost died.” Primrose took a small sip. “But Protego saved me, and I offered him a place to stay for a while in exchange for helping me. He’s a… sorcerer.”