“Me?” Protego teased, and she stared at him, stunned.

“Protego! You’re such a pervert. That is not what I meant. No, I mean maybe. Not the point! I want to swim.”

Protego’s brows furrowed in question, “You’ve never gone swimming?”

“No, I’ve only dipped my feet into lakes and the ocean. Clearwater Cove is only an hour’s walk southwest of here. Would you be willing to take me? It’s part of our dukedom.”

“Show me the way, starling,” he said, rising from his seat.

They walked through Vero Village until they reached a trail heading even more south than the castle. As they got onto the path, they headed west until they saw water.

“We could just swim in the sea,” Protego suggested.

“I really want to see the cove,” she pleaded, rubbing a soft thumb against the side of his hand.

“We can, but what of Alina?”

Primrose contemplated this, “there’s an inn on the outskirts of the village. Once we head back, we can stay there for the night. We don’t want to bring down the mood, especially if she’s an orphan. We should ask about her tomorrow.”

“That’s fine with me.” He smiled.

Chapter Thirteen

PrimroseandProtegocameup to the cove and crossed the narrow entrance. The nook of the ocean was surrounded by tall walls of rock, forming a circle. The sun was setting, showcasing the beautiful glowing horizon. Primrose looked in awe at the vibrant shades of peach, lilac, and pale blue that painted the sky as she unlaced her boots and kicked them off her feet, feeling the grains of sand between her wiggling toes. Protego followed suit. Removing his boots, he stood just close enough to feel the coolness of the water against his bare skin. Primrose gathered the muted-lilac overdress and pulled it off, tossing it onto the ground. She looked over and gave him a seductive smile.

“Are you getting naked?” he asked, looking at Primrose, who was staring at the ripples in the clear blue water.

“I might be.” The corner of her mouth turned upward.

“Then I’ll stand watch to ensure nobody disturbs you.”

“No. Join me,” she commanded him. “Please.”

Primrose removed the white chemise from her body, exposing her naked form. Protego’s eyes immediately shifted to her chest before swiftly returning to her face. She began walking into the water, which whirled in ripples around her. Primrose was fond of the coolness it brought to her skin, which was warm from the heat of summer day. She turned back to Protego, who removed his shirt, revealing his muscular form. Whether it was from magic, or from years of monster hunting, she was unsure.

“Your back must hurt, I’d imagine,” he stated, unbuckling his belt.

Primrose watched him as he removed his trousers. “It does.”

She turned towards the horizon, blushing as she waited for Protego to remove his undergarments and join her. The sound of rippling water came, and she turned to see him almost hip-high into the water. She could see the prominent V of his muscles and the trail of hair leading south on his body. She noticed he wasn’t pale like men she’d seen before; the golden tan of his skin was everywhere.

Protego looked smug as he approached her. “I can help with that.”

“Be my guest.”

Protego circled around Primrose until he was behind her. He was gentle as he placed his palms onto the bare skin of her back. Chills ran down Primrose’s spine, and she shuddered at his touch. It wasexhilarating. Protego began kneading into her muscles, slowly making circles as he traveled towards her lower back. After a few minutes of massaging her, he lowered his hands onto Primrose’s hips and pulled her close to him. As he kissed her neck, she could feel his arousal brushing against her backside. She took one of his hands and slid it off her hip and over to her front. She placed his finger between her opening, and he began making languid circular motions on her sex. Protego’s hips bucked towards her, relishing the sound of her pleasure. He kissed her neck, continuing the movements until she was at her apex, and he grinned as her entire body shook with release.

Primrose turned to face him. Both of their skin glowing in the peach-tinted light of the setting sun. She placed both hands on his cheeks and jaw and pulled him in, basking in the taste of his tongue. The kisses started out soft and gentle but gradually pushed in intensity. They pressed against each other, eliminating any space between them as her breasts met the taut muscles of his chest. The two burned hot for each other as they continued the frenzy of kisses until Primrose took a hand and clawed down Protego’s back. He shuddered, and heat rose in Primrose’s core at the groan that exited his throat. His hips bucked into her again in response, their bodies grinding against each other in vigorous, passionate movements. Protego then broke away, panting heavily.

“Don’t worry, I take the contraceptive tea.” She smiled, nudging her face against his.

“That’s good to know.”

Primrose went in for another kiss, but Protego backed up, and she halted.

“Is this what you want? Do you want this with me?” he asked. She nodded, going in for another kiss. Protego stopped her, pressing a palm to her shoulder, causing her skin to prickle.

“Primrose, I need to hear you say it. Out loud.”