Her cheeks were flushed pink as she looked into his garnet, hungry eyes, and whispered “I want this. I wantyou.”

“Good girl,” he praised, voice low and full of sin. The words caused her to become completely undone.

Protego nearly growled as she pressed her lips against his and shifted down to kiss his jaw, making her way towards his neck. He grabbed Primrose’s hips and hoisted her up, her lean legs wrapped around his waist. Protego pushed the head of his hard member against her opening, and she gasped in response. She could feel him stretch her as he made his way in, all the way to the hilt until all she could feel was him. Letting out a little squeak, their eyes locked, bodies twitching at each other’s touch. Primrose had always carried a small flame inside her, but Protego was the catalyst that set her ablaze.

“Is this okay?” he asked, kissing the top of her forehead. The strength of his arms was apparent as he easily held her up against him.

“Please,” she whimpered, urging him to continue. “Take me.”

Protego drove his length into her in swift, hard motions as they both shuddered in pleasure. Primrose’s back arched as she moved her fingers through his hair, feeling him withdraw and plow back into her in rapid succession. The feeling of him filling her, her sheathing his entire length with her sex, caused Primrose to yell out. Protego roughly kissed her, a raspy groan leaving his lips with every thrust. Tiny waves formed in the water surrounding them in reaction to their movements.

“You’re mine, starling,” he whispered, gliding his tongue down her neck, kissing her softly. She turned her head and nibbled on his ear, and it caused him to shudder once more. He leaned in for a kiss but was met with Primrose’s teeth as she bit his lower lip. Protego grunted, plummeting into her as she moaned his name. Both of their breaths became more and more ragged as Primrose came to her release, tightening around him. Protego let out a loud groan at the feeling of her muscles tightening on his length, and he climaxed into her.

As Primrose slid off of his muscular form, she collapsed, nuzzling herself into his chest, and he wrapped his arms around her back, enveloping her in his warmth. They stood there for many moments, enjoying the comfort of each other’s company.

The couple withdrew from the water and sat on the shore of the cove. The dark sand felt soft and powdery against Primrose’s skin. Protego snapped his finger, and a fabric seemingly fell into existence as he took it and wrapped it around them.

“How do you do that?”

“Do what?” Protego replied with a pensive expression. “Make love to a beautiful woman? You see—”

“No, you goose. How do you conjure something out of nothing?” Primrose shifted, looking at him.

“Goose?” He raised one brow.

“It’s a nickname my mother has always called me. It’s her way of saying she loves meandcalling me silly.”

“Are you saying you love me but that I’m silly?” He raised both brows, grinning wide.

“No! Ah.” She tensed, a red hot blush coating her face. “I—”

“Loosen up, I was kidding.” His grin grew tender. “I can summon something if it’s my property. It has to be something I’ve bought or been gifted, and it has to be something I can envision with my mind. I couldn’t have just thoughtblanketand have one appear; it had to be this specific one.”

Protego closed his eyes and balled his fist. Primrose stared at the veins of his wrist as she waited to see what he was doing. When his tan fingers were uncoiled, they revealed a small pile of silver jewelry. Protego placed the silver hoops into different holes he had in his elongated ears. The only thing that remained in his palm was a pocket watch. It was circular and engraved with little swirling patterns.

“That’s quite an amazing gift.” She smiled in awe.

“It is, but every gift comes with a price,” Protego said, a pensive expression on his features.

“Where shall we stay for the night? It’s getting dark.”

“The Inn!” Primrose said as she stood and picked up her dress. Protego watched as she slipped on the chemise and overdress.

“You look displeased,” she noted, one eyebrow raised.

“Too many clothes.” Protego frowned with displeasure, pulling up his trousers.

“You’re so dramatic.”

Protego let out a quiet chuckle as he put on his jacket and rolled up the sleeves, the fabric scrunching at the crook of his elbows.

“Follow me,” Primrose instructed while grabbing Protego by the hand and leading him back towards Vero Village.

The two walked arm-in-arm as they came up the path towards the village. Little flowers filled the fields around them in bright springtime colors. A small building with two levels and a bright terracotta roof stood on the outskirts of town. Walking up the wooden steps, Primrose knocked on the door.

“You may enter,” said a deep, low voice.

Primrose stepped into the doorway and curtseyed. The man nodded, and Protego bowed in reaction to them.