"I will be heading to the south of Mid-Terra this afternoon. The journey will take me at least a few weeks, but I should be back soon enough. You just need to hold the creatures off until then. Is this something you are capable of?" Master Zuberi asked, looking over at Protego.

"I will do everything I can, sir," Protego replied, nodding.

"Wewill do everything we can," Haruka assured him.

"Hello!" Mrs. Sharp's voice came from outside the room, "Do you all want me to make sandwiches?"

"No, dear, I think Master Zuberi has to prepare to leave, and Master Tanaka and I have to plan our research. Thank you, though," Mr. Sharp said as his wife entered the library.

"Actually, I could go for a sandwich right now." Haruka smiled.

"You're so frail! And so is Primrose. Of course, I will feed you both," Mrs. Sharp happily demanded.

Primrose squinted, a fierce expression on her face. Mrs. Sharp always managed to get under her skin.

"Oh, I'm not frail, I'm just wearing a skirt," Haruka said, whirling the heavy brown fabric in her hands. "I bet I could crush Mr. Sorcerer here with my legs." She eyed him up competitively.

"I don't think so," Protego protested, crossing towards Haruka.

"Wanna find out?" Haruka snickered.

"Okay! Okay! No—he doesn't want to find out. Please don't hurt him." Primrose lifted her arms up, putting space between them.

"Relax, Prim, we're just kidding around," Haruka assured her, laughing.

Protego's voice was defensive. "You thinkshe'dhurtme?"

"CanIask a question?" Mr. Sharp interrupted their moment.

"You just did." Primrose let out a small laugh, sticking out her tongue. Haruka and Protego both chuckled at the gesture.

"Protego, if I may call you that, what's it like where you're from?" The older man looked genuinely curious.

"It's…" Protego trailed off.

"Hot?" Master Zuberi proposed, and Primrose eyed Protego. They exchanged glances, worry glinting in their eyes.

"Yes, the Desert Isles are very hot," Protego answered.

"I haven't been there since I was a young boy, but it was absolutely breathtaking in my memory," Master Zuberi reminisced.

Primrose and Protego glanced at each other, their anxiety easing.They can't know what he is, Primrose thought.They'd all think he's a monster too.

Mrs. Sharp re-entered the room, sandwich tray in tow. Her teal-blue dress swished as she moved. The roundness of her figure was accentuated by her apron.

"All of you must eat!" She happily demanded.

Everyone grabbed a sandwich, and they all sat, feasting and discussing. The schoolmasters asked Protego questions, and he made up answers as they went along, trying to earn their trust. Primrose felt guilty for their lies, but she came to terms with its necessity. She would tell Haruka, at least, later.

Haruka smiled wide. "This is really good, thank you!"

After Master Zuberi finished his meal, he collected papers and books filled with detailed maps and historical documents and placed them into his bag. It was nearly full already, stuffed to the brim with supplies for his journey.

"I will be leaving soon. I hope the castle is still standing when I return." One eyebrow raised as he looked in Haruka and Primrose's direction.

"We're going to miss you!" Primrose crossed over to the man, wrapping her arms around his waist. He embraced her, patting her back.

"I'll be back before you know it." He let go and looked at the others. "John-Edward, Haruka, ensure you complete the tasks I assigned. And Protego….keep her safe."