“It’s quite humbling to know that even you are afraid of something.”

“You love to make me repeat myself, don’t you?” Protego said into her ear, “I’m not afraid of the horse—”

“Drusilla. Her name is Drusilla,” Primrose interrupted.

“I’m not afraid ofDrusilla. I am afraid of embarrassing myself in front of a beautiful woman.”

“You think I’m beautiful?” Primrose questioned, trying to conceal her blush.

Protego used one of his hands to grasp Primrose’s jaw, causing her to turn back and look at him.

“You are breathtakingly beautiful, and I think you know that.”

Primrose’s heart started beating uncontrollably as Drusilla stopped by the stables. Protego hopped off the mare, maintaining eye contact as he patted it on the back and turned to face away from her.

“I’m aware that some people find me quite attractive, but I am not vain enough to assume everyone does.”

“You’re too smart, starling.” He looked back at her. “Too smart not to realize what you do to me.” Protego began walking towards the castle.

Primrose jumped off Drusilla and brought her into the stable, removing the saddle and returning the shiny black horse to her stall. She stared at the hay-ridden floor, perplexed, before heading towards the castle. Whether it was the fast-paced ride on Drusilla or the words Protego had just uttered, Primrose felt as though she saw stars.

Chapter Seven

Thefollowingmorning,Primrosegot dressed in a sky-blue gown with silky fabric that whirled when she walked. She wrapped her wounds in fresh gauze and exited her chambers, tiptoeing towards the door adjacent to hers. She stared at the silver doorknob, contemplating whether she should open it.

"You can come in," Protego's voice rang before she knocked.

As Primrose entered the threshold, butterflies filled her belly as she realized his chest was bare. Protego sat on the bed, lacing his black boots. He was statuesque. Muscles taut and accentuated, his tan skin glowed in the morning light. Protego's bicep flexed as he reached for his black jacket, and Primrose nearly swooned.

"Meet us in the library, please. It's downstairs at the west end of the castle." She smiled, eyes wandering before catching herself.

Primrose walked through the halls; she reflected upon every image on the walls. Her family, her ancestors. Looking around for some sort of familiar hope, some piece of magic in their eyes, but she felt… nothing. They were just pictures.

She descended the staircase, touching the smooth wood with her fingers, noticing the dust. Entering the library, books messily lined every wall.

"Good morning, Primrose," Master Zuberi said in a welcoming tone. He donned a less academic outfit than usual; He now wore boots in place of his usual dress shoes. His trousers were military green with many pockets, well suited for travel. The gray tunic he wore matched the color of Mr. Sharp's hair.

"Good morning Master Zuberi, good morning Master Sharp, and good morning Haruka!" Primrose shot out all at once.

"Where is this demon my wife informed me of?" Mr. Sharp asked.

"He's a sorcerer, not a demon, remember?" Haruka corrected him, laughing. Her hair was wrapped in a tight bun atop her head. Her teeth shined, accentuated by her chuckles.

"Protego should be here shortly.Pleasebe polite!"

"Of course, we will. He was invited here by a Reditus just as we were," Master Zuberi assured her, nudging Mr. Sharp.

Protego entered the room, towering over Haruka, Mr. Sharp, and Primrose. The two men shook hands as he greeted everyone. Haruka gripped his hand firmly, looking over at Primrose. The women exchanged a silent conversation before being interrupted by the eldest gentleman.

"What masterful plan will you all come up with today?" Mr. Sharp pondered aloud in his most sarcastic of tones.

"Don't be an ass, John-Edward," Haruka replied, sitting on a nearby table.

"Hey—Hey, let's not do that." Primrose started pacing. "Everything is going to be just fine; we just need to work together—"

"Deep breaths, girl, deep breaths," Haruka interrupted.

Master Zuberi crossed towards Primrose and placed a hand on her shoulder.