“Yes. I made a mistake, and I am asking for your help.” Primrose nodded as if to reassure herself. She looked at her teachers, shame on her face, and gave a small smile. Haruka and Master Zuberi gave back pitiful smiles in return.

“Go on,” Mr. Sharp bit out. His body language shifted, becoming more aggressive.

“What happened? I checked it out, but all I found was broken glass. What did you do, Prim?” Haruka asked, brows furrowed. “I’m guessing you didn’t listen to me.”

“I tried a spell—”

“A spell?!” Master Zuberi gasped. His brown eyes widened with shock.

“I did—I know. I tried a spell, and your wife—” Primrose looked in Mr. Sharp’s direction. “—interrupted me, and the whole thing got messed up. I’m sure I did it wrong anyhow, but it’s a mess, and now these monsters are attacking the castle. I hired a guard but—”

“Where did you meet this guard? And how dare you blame Marveline?!” Mr. Sharp questioned her.

“John-Edward, I feel like that is not the most important thing to be discussing right now.” Master Zuberi’s tone was intense.

“No, it’s fine. He’s a… he specializes in monster hunting,” Primrose lied.

Primrose hated lying, but she couldn’t exactly tell them he was a spirit, especially not in front of the Sharps.

“What spell did you attempt, Primrose? Are your hands okay?” Master Zuberi asked gently.

“Yes, thank you for asking. The spell was beast… bestia… um….” Primrose trailed off, unable to recall. Her shoulders pressed in as she made herself smaller, confusion and desperation in her eyes.

“Bestiae ferae mecum?” Haruka suggested, shaking her head.

“Yes, that’s the one.”

Haruka frowned. “I see our language lessons didn’t pay off. You weren’t transforming anyone into a monster; you were calling them all to you.”

“I don’t understand. Why did you want to turn yourself into a monster?” Master Zuberi questioned.

“I—You told me some monsters are human, and I realized if I could turn myself, or even Hugo into a monster… maybe if I played my cards right, I wouldn’t have to marry him. Not even Queen Lilith would make me murder a literal monster. The plan was a work in progress,” Primrose flushed, embarrassed.

“Only, he really is a monster. Just a human one,” Haruka stated.

“Akil, Haruka, this is absurd. What in Aeternus—” the old man’s voice shook as he looked at them in fear.

“It wasreallystupid of me… I’m sorry.”

“It’s okay, Primrose. I think I can help you,” Akil said, standing up straight, “I know of an herb.”

“The Rose of Sanitus,” Haruka chimed in.

“Exactly,” Akil replied, “If I can get the rose and perform a specific spell, I think we can rid you of this curse.”

“What spell? How do you know about all this?” John-Edward Sharp shook his head and began to pace the room.

“South-Terra, where I’m from, magic is not outlawed; it’s not even controversial. This is why the North fails to colonize us. I know the flower mostly grows in West-Terra, but I was once told of a garden on the most southern coast of Mid-Terra. I think I can plead with the Sorceress to give us one. She was a friend of my father during the Great War... I’ll need the rest of you to do some research to help me find a specific spell.” Akil Zuberi looked at Primrose with determination in his eyes.

“Thank you,” she silently mouthed back at him.

“We’ll handle the research, Prim. Just stay close to your guard—he will have to protect you while Master Zuberi retrieves the rose.” Haruka’s smile faded to seriousness. “But I will have to meet him soon. For your safety.”

“Let’s recoup tomorrow,” suggested Master Zuberi. “We’ll narrow down the plan to specific tasks, and I’ll get to meet this guard of yours. I don’t particularly enjoy strangers being here, but I’m grateful he saved you. This meeting will be good for everyone involved.” Master Zuberi turned to exit.

“The wife will kill us all,” was the last thing Primrose heard before exiting the classroom.

Chapter Six