“There will be more of these creatures, though I’m sure you knew that already.” Protego glanced at her and then looked away.

“Why would there be more basilisks?”

“No… there will be more monsters, of all kinds… Did you not call them here on purpose?” He questioned her.

Holding his sudden stare, Primrose assured him, “Of course not! I didn’t call anyone here.”

“Not anyone starling, anything.”

“I don’t understand.” Primrose paced the hall outside the bathroom. It had dark walls with deeply shaded flowers painted in large murals.

“You must have performed a calling spell. I assumed you did it for a specific purpose, but now I see it must’ve been a silly little accident,” Protego replied condescendingly.

“I didn’t cast a spell; I just looked at some literature in the library. I didn’t realize anything would happen because of it….”

“I’m sorry, but that’s horseshit,” Protego said bluntly. “You were trying to do something. Every action has a consequence, Primrose.” Protego placed his hands on either side of her, but she jerked away, moving out of his grasp.

“So maybe I did…. Please stop speaking with me as if you know me; you don’t know what I’ve been through. I’m not a stupid child—I made one mistake. Are you without fault?”

“No, I am not without fault. I am sorry if I offended you. I’ll see myself out,” Protego replied, lowering his head.

“Oh no, you don’t. Look – I’m sorry. I’m not stupid, but I’m not a warrior either.” She paused and took a deep breath, “Please stay and help me handle these… monsters. My parents will pay you a great fortune when they return.”

“I have no use for human coins,” he said, looking around.

“Then what interests you? What can I provide in return for your services?” She put a finger under his chin and pushed up. His eyes lifted from the floor and looked into her own.

“I suppose friendship and a place to stay will be payment enough.”

“Good. You can sleep in the spare bedroom adjacent to mine.” Primrose smiled and led him to his chambers.

The bedroom was nearly identical to Primrose’. It was blue and gray with lovely translucent curtains and roses carved into the wood, the key difference being the lack of flowers on the table near the window. Protego looked around the room, finger tracing each surface.

“Is it to your liking?” Primrose asked with gentle eyes.

“Everything is perfect, thank you.”

The following morning Protego exited the chambers and met Primrose in the dining room. He wore the same black robe with silver adornments, but this one was new and pristine. The dining room was lit by windows on the ceiling and included a large, round wooden table. The windows exposed the greenery growing on the sides of the castle wall. Luscious vines grew down in thick spirals. The light-blue sky was filled with puffy white clouds and beams of sunshine.

“What are your plans for today?” Protego asked, stabbing his fork into his breakfast.

“Today is the last day of the education season, so I’ll be discussing that with my schoolmasters, and then I have to speak with Mrs. Sharp about the new guard I hired.”

“New guard?” he questioned, searching.

“You, dummy. I’ve essentially hired you to fight monsters, so… guard seemed to be the appropriate term.”

“Fair enough,” he said, words muffled by the pancakes in his mouth.

They both laughed. Primrose went back to her room and changed before requesting Mrs. Sharp to arrange a meeting with her schoolmasters.

Chapter Five

Primrose’sthreeschoolmastersallstood in one of the designated classrooms. The room had a high ceiling and a large, clear window bringing in light. There were textbooks scattered around tables and a chalkboard covered in different mathematical formulas. Her schoolmasters looked more disordered than Primrose had ever seen them. Haruka was still in her sleepwear, visibly tired. Next to her was Mr. Sharp, who seemed visibly ill, and Master Zuberi, who held a pensive expression.

“Why have you called this meeting?” Mr. Sharp questioned, coughing before Primrose even reached them.

“I don’t know, John-Edward, perhaps it was the loud noises we all heard coming from the other side of the castle last night?” Haruka sassily answered the older gentleman.