"Of course." He nodded, red eyes shining.

They all watched as Master Zuberi crossed the library's threshold, heading towards the front door of the castle. As his footsteps faded, Primrose couldn't help the anxiety that rose up in the pits of her stomach. She feared for Master Zuberi but also herself.Can I get out of this marriage?

Chapter Eight

AfterthedepartureofMaster Zuberi, the rest of the group spent the afternoon scanning through books in the Ancient Language texts on spell breaking and monster transformations. Primrose and Protego sat on adjacent plush chairs, piling up books, while Haruka and Mr. Sharp sat at a table, scrolls and books scattered around. Towards the late evening, Haruka bounced out of her chair.

“I think I have something! This spell actually looks promising,” Haruka shouted.

“Let me have a look,” Mr. Sharp ordered, taking the scroll from her hands. The older man diligently scanned the page while they all waited in anticipation.

“I’m not positive, but I don’t think this is it,” He finally said, shaking his head.

Disappointment filled the air but was replaced with tiredness when Primrose yawned and then stated, “I think I’m going to shower and then get ready to sleep. I appreciate all of you immensely.”

“Goodnight!” Haruka said, voice full of hope.

“Goodnight, everyone.”

As Primrose headed east towards her room and up the stairs, she looked at the walls and how they changed from rich ornate wood to dark, vast floral murals. As she made her way towards her room, she heard soft pitter-patters coming from the roof. Making a mental note to have a servant check the castle for rats, she continued to her bedroom. Entering the bathroom attached to her chambers, Primrose removed her dress and started the shower that stood adjacent to her bathtub. Water poured out of the spout, against the stone walls, running down to the drain. She entered the shower, feeling the warmth against her bare skin. She turned around and closed her eyes, feeling the pressure on her face. Primrose’s muscles began to ease and relax as she let it engulf her. Realizing she had forgotten to grab a towel, she turned the water pressure down. As Primrose prepared to exit to retrieve a towel, she heard quiet footsteps approaching her.

“Mrs. Sharp?” Primrose called out. “Would you please grab me a towel? I don’t want to get water everywhere.”

When she heard nothing in return, she turned the water off and headed back into her chambers. Crossing the threshold, she saw a man standing there. Primrose was not ready to be a victim again, not prepared for another night of being used, an object for someone else’s satisfaction. Horrified, Primrose tried to scream, but hardly any sound would come out, just a hushed yelp. She was in utter shock. The man was tall with thin, gangly limbs and an unnaturally bloated belly. If it wasn’t for his greasy black hair and pale skin, she might have thought it was Hugo Mercer. This man’s skin was so pale it looked nearly gray in the lamplight. Shadows bruised his eyes, which were puffy and stained a deep dark purple on the ring underneath. The stench was the worst part of it all, for he smelled of iron mixed with rotting flesh. He was practically a living, breathing corpse.

“You appear to be my next meal,” the thing said in a low, grovel voice. Even his voice sounded inhuman. It sent chills up Primrose’s spine. It was more monster than man.

“What in the—” Primrose stopped speaking as he dashed towards her. The whites of his eyes turned black as his entire face became mangled. He completely transformed as his face opened up to reveal layer upon layer of sharp, pointed fangs. The creature’s body convulsed as it inched closer. He grabbed her waist with one hand and her hair in another, revealing her neck. Primrose screamed as she fought his grasp, but her weak arms kept giving up, unable to push him off. Realization struck her; she did not have the strength to fight this monster. She closed her eyes, shaking, and bracing for impact, but it did not come. Instead, the creature slumped before her, sliding to the ground. Blood began pooling beneath him.

“Not today,” said a familiar voice—Protego’s voice. He stood there, silver dagger adorned with sapphires in hand. They both looked down at the now deceased creature.

“Thank you!” Primrose smiled, tears streaming down her face. She darted around the creature’s body and lept towards him. Arms crossing over the back of his neck, she held Protego snug to her bare skin. He embraced her, wrapping his arms around her back. His broad body was a warm mass around her. They stood for some time, just holding each other. Protego brushed his nose against hers as their mouths slowly inched towards one another. Heat rose in her body as she felt his breath on her lips. He was so close; all she had to do was lean in and take it. Embarrassed, Primrose jerked her head back and let go as she remembered she was utterly and entirely naked. Cheeks flushing a vibrant red, she began to back away.

“EEP!” Primrose chirped, flailing her arms, visibly uncomfortable.

“Um, I’m sorry, uh….” Protego fumbled his words as he went around the room searching for a towel. He came across a small white blanket and picked it up, tossing it over her back. It fell over her head, robbing her of her sight. Primrose scrambled around for a moment before she could wrap it around herself, and they both broke out in laughter.

“I’m going to get dressed.”

“I’ll be in the hall.” Protego reached his arm behind his head, rubbing the back of his neck. The gesture showed off his muscles, and Primrose blushed once more.

After exiting the chambers, Primrose opened a drawer and retrieved a white nightgown. She placed it over her head, and it fell onto her petite frame, swallowing her. Mrs. Sharp must have mixed up clothes in the wash, as this was probably Sera’s or her mother’s nightgown. Opening the door, she looked into Protego’s deep garnet eyes.

Protego chucked at the sight of Primrose swimming in the nightgown.

“Don’t laugh at me; it looks beautiful when it fits,” she protested.

“How about you sleep in my chambers tonight?” he suggested, nodding his head towards his door. She looked at him, contemplative for a moment.

“I don’t know,” Primrose replied softly.

“Not like that; I can even sleep in here or in the library, though I’d prefer to stay close. I just mean so you don’t have to sleep where a bloodsucker just died.”

“Bloodsucker? Was that a—”

“Vampyre. Yeah, it was. The first one I’ve ever seen alive, too. There are tons of them in Aeternus,” Protego informed her.

“Okay. I wouldn’t mind if you were to stay with me.”