Page 84 of Beaver

I laughed until I got a stitch in my side. Moe and Jag leaped once more and landed with arms out. “Ta-da!” they both said.

Elliot played his final note, then laughed—he actually laughed—as he tucked his claridick away.

“Jag,” I said. “You tore your shorts.”

“My what?” he said with an eyebrow raised.

My face ached from smiling. “Your hoochie daddy shorts.”

“His what?” Ram exclaimed, but I ignored him.

“You’ve got nothing to wear,” I said.

Jag winked. “Worth it to hear you laugh.”

You should put his balls in your mouth,my brain said.They’re right there.

My gaze shot to Jag’s bushy pubes and perky nuts. I mean… I could.

Sighing, Elliot peeled off his suit jacket and handed it to Jag, who shrank his cock and tied the jacket around his waist. He took off his cloud coat to cover his ass.

Shame. I could have played it like Moe’s butt while sucking those balls.

Ew, Alyssa, stop it. This a serious situation, even with the dickstruments.

Ram cleared his throat. “Alyssa, you once said that I didn’t take responsibility for my actions and blamed everyone else for my choices. You were right. I’m going be better, I promise.”

I scoffed. If he could gain something by screwing over Juniper, my men, or me, he would do it. His kindness ended where his desires began. “We’ll see.”

A sorrow crept into his dark eyes. “You changed. Why can’t I?”

I had said something similar to Juniper years ago when she assumed I remained loyal to Ram and his schemes. It was jarring to hear my struggle echoed in his words, like staring into a funhouse mirror: a reflection that’s been warped and made unsettling.

“You were blackmailing me a couple of days ago. Have you become a different person since then?” I said in my best mocking tone.

Ram’s mouth quirked. “I understand better what you need from a partner.” He glanced at Jag, Elliot, and Moe. “I’m going to work on becoming someone who can make you happy.”

My stomach fluttered, but stomachs were stupid. “Yeah, right. Let’s just get this rescue mission over with.”

I unfolded the pages of the spell circle while Ram opened his phone to The Magical Rooster’s webpage. He placed it in the center of the circle.

“Do you want to handle the tracking since you’re closer to Juniper?” he asked.

I eyed him. “Can you manage the portal spell?”

He smiled, small and sad. “Let’s find out.”

As Ram cast the portal spell, I focused my mind on the auras of Juniper and a handful of friends from Free Jinx. Raising a hand, I let my magic run free and spoke the words of the tracking incantation.

Ram’s magic weaved around my own like a firm and familiar touch as it rose into the air and split the fabric of reality itself.

I saw a rush of emptiness, then a flash of light, and the dying world of Free Jinx came into view. The Eclipses gathered in the town square as their houses became dust around them. The sky was already gone, and the ground was crumbling to nothingness.

Juniper stood among them, her hands flaring with purple-green magic. She weaved it into a shield that pushed back against the destruction, slowing it but not stopping its march toward the remaining survivors.

Despite the oncoming death, my heart soared. We were here! My friends were all going to be safe in a matter of minutes. I just had to reach out and—

Something slammed down between me and Free Jinx like a garage door. It hit so hard and quickly that it jolted all thoughts from my mind.