Page 83 of Beaver

It was true that Juniper had been the first one to launch an attack, but only because Ram was planning to steal the world’s magic and she wanted to stop him. If only she had trusted me to help her back then, instead of assuming I’d always pick a man over her.

“You let her go because she begged and it made your little ego feel good.”

After he had granted her mercy, she had stolen the relic that would give him the power to steal magic and went on the run.

He scoffed. “You really think I was dumb enough to believe that Juniper, of all people, would sincerely beg for mercy and forgiveness?”

I didn’t hesitate. “Yeah.”

Ram’s eyes widened. “Well, fuck, Alyssa. Whatever you think of me, I’m not that stupid. I let her go because I cared about her, not because I believed she was sorry. She was my friend too… until she wasn’t.”

“That didn’t stop you from ordering us to kill her.”

Ram stared at the floor. “I’m sorry, Alyssa. I am. I thought you were as angry with Juniper for her betrayal as I was. I thought you believed in my plan to… yes, to steal magic so people couldn’t misuse it.”

The awful thing was that he was right. I had believed in his plan for a while, and I had been angry with Juniper for leaving me. I gnawed on my fingernail for a moment before answering.

“I was angry. Juniper was like a sister, and… and it hurt when she ran away without me because we always ran away together. And I couldn’t turn to you about it because you wanted me to go kill her and I just wanted her back. I wanted our trio back.”

“So did I,” Ram said. “But I was too angry to see it or to see you. I’m sorry I wasn’t there for you. I’m sorry I made things worse. I’ll do anything to make it better.”

Something creaked open inside me, like a younger version of me was opening a closet door and peeking out to ask, “Is it safe now?”

I slammed the door shut. Ram might be sorry, but that didn’t change anything. He was sorry when he blackmailed me to break him out of prison. It didn’t stop him from doing it.

“You were too angry to see Alyssa?” Jag said, his voice dripping with disdain. He turned to me. “The only time I don’t feel angry is with you.”

My heart felt warm and pained at the same time, like how a good massage hurt but also made you feel better. “Really?”

Before Jag could answer, Moe shouted, “Group hug!” He jumped up and threw his arms around Ram and me. Ram leaned back as his eyes widened like a cat being picked up.

“Not Ram; he’s a dick,” Jag hissed.

“But they’re both hurting,” Moe said. He kissed my head. “You’re my new favorite person.”

I grabbed Moe’s arm where it wrapped around me. He must have chopped onions recently because my eyes burned.

Jag placed a hand on my back, and Elliot dropped to his knees before me, kissing my forehead. “You’ll always have us.”

Such small words with such big promises. It was the kind of reassurance little child Alyssa had wished for but never received. Now, these sweet bastards were dragging her in from the cold and throwing blankets over her—and like with warming up frostbitten limbs, it stung.

Even though I managed not to sob or sniffle or make any noise at all, I couldn’t stop the tears any more than I could stop cum rain from falling.

Chapter 30

Jag,Elliot,andMoeheld me, whispered sweet words, and kissed my hair as I silently cried.

“I know what will cheer you up!” Moe stood and yanked down his pants. “Music!” Reaching behind himself, he slapped his ass, and instead of the sound of flesh on flesh, it was a fast drum beat.

Jag jumped up. In the light from a single bare bulb above, he grabbed his tiny shorts and ripped them right off like stripper pants. His cock grew and sprouted strings and he joined Moe in playing an upbeat rock song.

I chuckled. Moe grinned ear to ear. He started jigging, his dick flopping and his feet shuffling with his pants around his knees. Jag joined him, performing bhangra jumps and kicks as he strummed his cock.

I broke into full-on laughter.

Elliot glanced between me and his friends, then with a sigh, he unbuttoned his pants and pulled out his cock, elongating it into his dickstrument. He didn’t join the dance or whip off his pants, but he played a bright, fast melody all the same.

That he was willing to whip it out for me made all the sorrow just bleed away, like when you stand up suddenly on your period.