With a nod, I sent the attack dildos and ropes flying at her.
Azea’s mouth moved as she muttered a spell. The air bubble over the Astrosmos spun faster and faster, and half a dozen portals burst to life between me and her, including one an inch from my face.
I jumped back and raised my whips before me as a giant skeleton hand reached out of the portal. As it hit my magic, I was thrown backward and hit the pavement with pain shooting up my back.
I felt half the attack toys vanish, each like ripping out a hair from my head, as they tumbled into portals that had opened in their path. The rest collided with purple tentacles, flying skulls, and slugs wearing top hats—okay, that was weird—that soared out of the portals.
Oh no, Minnie!I thought.
I jumped to my feet and whirled to the other witch. Her arms bent like little mouse legs as she shook her butt.
“Hurry up, Tiptoe!” she shouted.
The giant skeleton hand stretched out of its portal and reached for her. My heart leaped into my throat.
No, not another friend lost. Not today.
I wrapped my whip around one of the bony fingers, closed my fist, and yanked the hand away from Minnie.
As it hurtled toward me, I let go of it, dropped to the ground, and rolled underneath. Movement caught my eye, and I glanced under the portals to the broken and overgrown tiles of the building.
Little furry bodies with long tails scurried along the floors, their butts shaking as quickly as Minnie’s ass. They hid among grass and debris as they crept toward Azea.
Minnie must be commanding them, like some kind of Cinderella, but instead of making dresses, her mice were going into battle.
And I had to make sure the poor little things didn’t get hurt.
I rolled to my feet and ducked under a flaming skull being chased by a dildo firing lasers. The giant skeleton hand yanked itself free from its portal, and with the sound of dry grinding bones, it flew at me.
Taking a deep breath, I pulled my magic in front of me, fueling it with the rage burning in my blood, and fired at the hand.
My magic hit it like a bomb, and it exploded. Bone fragments flew backward into one of the tentacles that was reaching out of a portal. It, too, dropped to the ground, limp and dead.
I spun and raced between two portals, ducked a tentacle from a third, and rounded a pitched battle between flaming skulls, fancy slugs, and laser dildos.
Azea stood in the same spot as before. Her eyes swirled rainbow like the portals, and the Astrosmos vibrated in her hand. Her shield was gone. She probably couldn’t keep it up while managing so many portals.
Smiling, I formed my magic into a cannonball and—
The ground vanished beneath me.
She had opened a portal under my feet, and I was falling straight down into an unknown world I wouldn’t be able to escape.
My heart rose into my throat. I grabbed at the pavement and managed to get an arm onto it, stopping my fall. My lower half hung down into the portal while my upper half remained in this world.
As I started to pull myself up, Azea met my gaze, her eyes the color of oil on water, and a grin on her lips.
I knew what she meant to do.
She was going to close the portal. I could let go and plummet into a bubble dimension to wait until it collapsed and killed me. Or I could hang on and be sliced in half when the portal closed.
Her mouth started to move to speak the spell. I knew it. It was one word.
Mice leaped from the broken stairway behind her and landed on her head, shoulders, and arms. Azea yelped and tried to brush them off. “Ew, ew, ew!”