Page 98 of Beaver

“Don’t you dare hurt my mouse friends,” Minnie shouted, baring her teeth at Azea, who was too busy trying to shake off her furry attackers to notice.

Grinning at my reprieve, I formed some of my magic into a whip and wrapped it around one of Juniper’s dildos as it flew past.

It pulled me from the portal, into the air, and right toward Azea. I let go of it and landed among the building’s rubble a few meters from the other witch. Reaching out with my magic, I yanked the Astrosmos from her hand to mine.

I could feel the ward she had cast on it like grease in my eyes blocking my view. Taking a deep breath, I formed my aura into an imitation of Azea’s: blue and purple as a bruise, as bitter as old coffee grinds on your tongue, and as sad as a senior with no visitors.

The Astrosmos locked onto me. I felt its spells turning in my mind like the gears of a clock. I felt the strange, awe-inspiring touch of portals like seeing twin rainbows as your pants rip right along your ass crack. I don’t know why I felt Astrosmos portals in that particular area.

“Dùin,” I whispered, the spell for close. The swirling ball of air on the relic whooshed and vanished. I felt each and every portal shut, felt it like closing my eyes after a long day, only a dozen times all at once.

I sighed, then reset the dials on the Astrosmos to open portals to specific locations.

Something knotted around my throat, and I was yanked backward. Instinctively, I tightened my grip on the Astrosmos as I crashed to the floor. Azea stood over me, a length of her magic running from her clenched fists to around my neck. Her hand tightened, and the magic pressed against my air pipe like someone standing on my neck. I gasped for breath but couldn’t get any.

Mice ran up her legs and along her body and head, but she ignored them. I lashed at her with my magic, but a purple sheen of a shield rose between us, and my attack bounced off it like a tennis ball. Without the Astrosmos to draw her attention and power, she could unleash every bit of her magic on me.

“Bite! Bite!” Minnie yelled at the mice, snapping her own teeth repeatedly. If they were following her orders, Azea was determined to ignore them and kill me instead.

The Astrosmos buzzed against my palm. I let my eyes drift closed, and my magic flowed into the relic and back.

“Don’t you dare!” Azea roared and her knot around my neck pulled so tight, I was sure she was going to slit my throat.

I imagined Juniper, remembered her sardonic smile, the feel of her aura—calm and tinged with darkness and the promise of danger like a pine forest at night, if the trees were shaped like giant cocks. I couldn’t speak the spell, I had no air, but I mouthed the words and hoped that was enough.

The Astrosmos was warm under my fingers, but that was it. Nothing happened.

Darkness crept along the edges of my vision, and I let my eyes fall shut. This was it.

A whoosh filled the air, and Azea’s hold on my throat vanished. I rolled to my side, coughing and gasping for air. I felt along my throat for blood, but thankfully my fingers came away dry.

As I looked up, I spotted Azea pinned against the wall with the mice scurrying away. Her face and arms were covered in bleeding bite marks.

Pamarten, the elderly witch from Free Jinx, Brinhilde, and two younger witches stood over her with their hands aflame. Five other Eclipses raced around the street alongside Juniper’s remaining attack dildos to chase down the flying skulls, tentacles, and rocket hat-wearing slugs.

Behind me stood a new portal. My portal. Familiar faces leaped out of it, bleary-eyed, dirt-steaked, and stinky enough to smell them from here.

But alive. And here! Back in the real world.

Two more of the witches from Free Jinx joined Pamarten in holding Azea at bay. The witch, Beackon, kneeled by my side, a hand on my back, and I felt the cooling touch of her healing magic spread down my aching neck.

I sighed. “Thank you.”

She smiled and nodded once, always the shy one. As I climbed to my feet, she jumped up to help me.

Dozens of familiar faces surrounded me like a dream where you’re back in some long-lost childhood place. I must be dying, and this was a hallucination. I knew it wasn’t, but it felt like it.

I had never saved this many people before. Usually, I was pissing off this many people.

Questions came like bullets.

“Hold on,” I said and pushed through them to the portal.

Juniper’s mates, Oscar and Shakes, leaped through, followed by Sammy the pirate, carrying Juniper in his arms. I had never seen my friend, so strong and powerful, like this before.

I rushed to her side, Beackon along with me. “Juniper!”

She looked up at me with her dark eyes glazed and half closed. “You saved me again.”