He looked up, his eyes bloodshot and tired.
“Thank you for trying.”
He smiled a real sincere smile, not one of his fake manipulative ones. “Do or do not, there is no try.”
His smile widened. “We will get to Free Jinx. We just need to think of a new approach.”
If Ram couldn’t break through the blocking spell, who the hell could? Only Juniper was more powerful than him, and she wasn’t here.
But magic was full of loopholes—and dark magic doubly so. It was one reason why I loved it. Parents, teachers, bosses, and society in general had rules you were expected to follow, and they didn’t even explain them to you. They just commanded you to obey.
I was always finding ways around the rules, even as a kid. Dark magic was all about bending, breaking, and ignoring them.
The problem was: we didn’t have much time. “I hope we can think of something before the bubble dimension collapses and…” I swallowed a lump in my throat. “And takes everyone with it.”
Jag wrapped an arm around my waist, pulling me close to nestle against his chest. “From what you say about Juniper, she’ll single-handedly protect them.”
I shook my head, not because he was wrong but because she couldn’t protect Free Jinx forever. The destruction was moving closer to her with each moment.
Ram ran a hand through his hair. “I need sleep. It’ll help me think of a solution; I get my best ideas in dreams.”
“You have good ideas?” Jag said.
“Yes, like fucking your mom on a Wendy’s dining table.”
I laughed because I was startled by Ram letting loose rather than using one of his more stuck-up responses. He smiled, his eyes lighting up as though glad he had made me laugh.
I patted Jag’s knee. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry.”
He rested his chin on the top of my head. “You owe me for that one, Lis.”
“Do not ever call me Lis, Meety,” I said, referencing the second half of Jag’s full name.
Jag chuckled, then fixed his gaze on Ram. “I’ll fuck your dad on the changing table in a Starbucks bathroom while he begs me for more whipped cream in his venti ass.”
I laughed again. “Holy shit, dude.”
“What? He started it.”
Ram rolled his eyes. “My dad would probably let you do that.”
Jag startled against me, but if he knew anything about Ram’s father, he wouldn’t. The guy was like if PornHub were a person.
Ram lay down on the floor, tucking his arm under his head. I marveled that he could sleep like that. I could barely sleep in a comfortable bed.
Elliot packed up the magic circle and our supplies into the basket. “You can rest your head on me to sleep,” he whispered.
“No, on me,” Jag said, squeezing me closer.
“I’m not going to sleep. I’m going to think,” I said.
“You should still lie down,” Moe said softly as to not bother Ram. “I know! We’ll lie in a line, and you can use all of us as a bed!” He lay on his back on the floor and gestured for Elliot to do the same.
The other man shrugged before lying next to Moe.
“They’re all nuts,” Jag whispered in my ear, but he stood and stepped past me to join his friends.