Page 87 of Beaver

I chuckled at them stretched out on the concrete, but what the hell—if it made them happy, I’d lie on them. Besides, I did want to be close to my big, comforting teddy bear dudes.

Sitting on Jag, I lay back across Moe and rested my head on Elliot’s stomach, feeling it rise and fall with his breaths. My legs had to stay on the floor since they were not a very long bed.

“Yay!” Moe said. I laughed, trying to keep it quiet.

They also weren’t comfortable at all, but I didn’t intend to sleep, and the floor wasn’t exactly easy on the ass either.

Ask them to be hard on your ass,my brain said, but I ignored her.

Elliot placed his free hand on my hair and stroked my forehead with his thumb. I sighed, reveling in the sensation of his warm, calloused hands on my skin.

Feeling the three men breathing under my back, I stared at the cobwebs on the ceiling and wondered how in fuck I was going to rescue my friends. And who in the fuck I was going to kill for causing this shitstorm in the first place.

Chapter 31

Despitemylumpymanbed, I slept like a computer that had been shut off.

I woke to light streaming through the shed’s small window and the three men still under me. My back ached from sleeping on them, but I still slept better than I had in a long time.

They must be uncomfortable, lying on the concrete like that all night. I sat up on Jag.

“Careful,” Ram whispered.

My feet hung above the floor, and I realized Ram had magicked Jag, Elliot, and Moe into the air to save their backs from the hard floor. The thoughtfulness was touching, especially when he hadn’t cast the same spell for himself.

It also means you can crawl underneath and slap their asses,my brain said.Slap slap, slappity, slap.

You know, I could…I glanced at their closed eyes and the line of drool on Elliot’s face. No ass grabbing now. Plus, my friends needed my help, assuming they were still alive.

I slid off Jag onto the ground and stretched out my back. Ram sat cross-legged on the floor with the magic circle and our notes spread before him. The big, heavy portal book from the library was open on his lap.

“We left that behind,” I said.

“I went back and borrowed it,” he whispered, his head bent over the tome. “Well, stole it since I don’t have a library card and the library was technically closed. But I’ll return it.”

I snorted softly. Ram doing his own dirty work for once. I liked it.

“I don’t have an answer yet,” he said.

Anxiety exploded in my chest like a heart attack. I should have never let myself fall asleep when Juniper and the Eclipses needed me. Stupid!

I couldn’t stand the thought of a world without Juniper, so I shoved the thought away and stared at the magic circle with the notes scattered over it. Maybe it was because I was well-rested for once, but the sight gave me an idea.

“I know how to get to Free Jinx.”

Ram’s head shot up.

“I’m a fucking genius. We add an amplifier spell to the magic circle. It’ll strengthen the portal spell and our own magic. We should be able to batter down the block.”

Ram frowned. “The book cautions against combining spells with portal magic, and we know first-hand why. Portals become destructive when the spell is off.”

“So? Free Jinx is already collapsing. We just need to open a portal long enough for everyone to jump through; it doesn’t need to be clean.”

Ram tilted his head, thinking.

A jolt of anger hit me at his reluctance, so I grabbed a stack of notepapers and flipped them over to draw an amplifier spell. “Where are the pens?”

He reached into the basket at his side and handed me one. “Combining amplifier and portal spells might be dangerous.”