Ramsmiledlikehewas happy to see me.
I knew better.
He stretched out a hand. “Still an expert thief. We need those umbrellas back.”
Four of his followers gathered behind him, glaring at me as though they were any threat at all. Surprisingly, they didn’t include Raicus and the other members of our old gang who were in the pen. Ram seemed to have had a falling out with them, as I had.
My hands tightened on the umbrella handles. Of course, I had stolen them from one of his cronies. Ram had charmed, bribed, and threatened the entire prison staff to get special treatment for his gang. I knew he wasn’t really here for the stupid umbrellas. He was here to show off to his followers that he could protect them and punish those who crossed them. He was here to demonstrate his worth to them.
“And I need cock that won’t give me a UTI, but life is a shit pile like that.”
Despite the jab, Ram’s smile didn’t even falter. During his stay in prison, he had let his black hair go long and wild, though he still shaved. With his dark hair and pale skin, he looked like the world’s laziest Loki cosplayer. It was strange to remember that the sight of him used to make my heart flutter and my lips ache for his kiss.
I wonder if he tastes like Tom Hiddleston?my brain said.
How in fuck would we even know what Tom Hiddleston tastes like?
Jag side-stepped so he was between Beverly and the gang. “What’s going on?”
I eyed him. He’d already taken orders from Ram to seek me out, so he was probably waiting for his next command—when Ram said jerk it, his cronies said how many strokes.
Ram stepped closer, and I tensed but not out of fear. I just didn’t like people being in my personal space.
“You can’t keep stealing from us, Alyssa,” he said softly so the others wouldn’t hear.
“Why not?” I did not lower my voice.
Ram was full of shit, and the sooner his followers realized it, the better it would be for them.
For everyone.
When Ram got a hold of a bit of power, people suffered.
The same was true of me.
His smile finally faltered for just a moment before he wrestled it back into its friendly façade. “We have this conversation every week and—”
“You need me to stop stealing so you can look like you wield a magical sword to these goblins. But here’s the thing. I don’t give a fuck about what you need.”
He flinched as though I had pinched him.
“Then we’ll make you care,” Aquamarine said from behind Ram as she flicked a pink braid over her bare shoulder. She had cut the sleeves and collar off her jumpsuit and had sewn or pinned it to make a crop top.
I rolled my eyes. “You dumbasses think his dick is a foot long, and he’ll do anything to make sure you never realize it’s just average.” I met Ram’s gaze and said one of the most painful things I could to him. “Average like the rest of him.”
His friendly smile didn’t falter but his dark eyes narrowed just a touch.
“Quiet, you scraggly bush,” one of the other cronies snapped.
I hadn’t bothered to learn his name because I didn’t care what it was. He had a tattoo of glasses frames around his eyes for some reason. Did he think they made him look smart? Was his next tattoo going to be the letters P, H, and D on his forehead?
Jag stepped forward. “Hey, back off, you peasants! And scraggly bushes are awesome; that’s not even an insult.”
My brows shot up. He wasn’t siding with Ram? And he was declaring his pubic hair preferences for no reason?
“Calm down. I’ll handle…” Ram’s voice trailed off as his gaze drifted past Jag and me. “Is that a beaver?”
Everyone turned to Beverly. She stared back with her sunglasses in her paws as though she always had to hold something for comfort.