Page 3 of Beaver

Before I could answer, Beverly strolled forward, and I cringed. “Stop, baby fuzzball! You’re going to get cum all over your fur.”

If she understood, she didn’t care, and kept walking along the cum-encrusted pavement.

“Beverly Beaver the Third, stop right now!” I said.

Using her full name seemed to work because she stopped and glanced up at me through those stupid sunglasses. Then she started to walk again, and I groaned in frustration.

I could pick her up and hold her until Juniper tried to break me out—and then give her the beaver to take instead. But then both the beaver and I would be cummed on from the rain. If I let her walk, she’d just keep dragging cum into her belly fur. If only I had my magic.

“I can hold the umbrellas,” Jag said.

I stared at his hands. I didn’t trust him one fucking bit not to run off with them, but Beverly was determined to be as crusty as a teenage boy’s sock. With a sigh, I handed him the umbrellas. He dropped his newspaper and took them as I bent to scoop up Beverly under her front legs. Fuck, she was heavier than she looked. The rough fur of her back pressed against my face, and she smelled of musk and vanilla.

I expected the feel of spunk coating my hair but didn’t. Craning my neck to look over my shoulder, I saw Jag holding both umbrellas over Beverly and me as the rain splooshed into his dark hair and on his bright orange jumpsuit.

The knot of rage in my chest since he had started talking to me eased like a fist relaxing. “Thank you.”

He smiled through the white goo running down his face. “Unless you’re about to do some witch shit and break down that wall or open a portal or something, let’s get inside. Although I enjoy being covered in cum, I’m not used to being covered in this much cum.”

I snorted. Juniper would probably get along with this guy. Speaking of which, where the fuck was she? I couldn’t hold Beverly for long, but she was determined to cover herself with prison yard spunk.

I better get her inside. I could go back out and wait for Juniper once the beaver was safe… well, safe-ish, considering her situation.

With Beverly’s tail heavy against my thighs, I half-walked, half-shuffled across the yard. When we reached the prison building, I leaned back and kicked open the door with a bang. Jag whistled as though impressed.

I shuffled in and placed Beverly on the floor, my aching arms sighing in relief.

Something clattered behind me, and I turned to see Jag had dropped the umbrellas outside before dashing in. “Shit. Are you ever going to tell me what caused that rain?”

I scowled at him because those weren’t his umbrellas to abandon. I had taken a big risk in stealing them from the cell of a well-connected inmate.

“Do I look like a freak who likes to coat the world in jizz?” I slipped past him and reached through the door to grab one of the umbrellas. Even though its top was crusted with cum, I could use the metal parts as shivs. There was someone I had been planning to stab.

As I grabbed it, nothing splattered on my hand, and I glanced up.

The rain had stopped. Instead, a section of air rippled with rainbow colors like a stone dropped in water polluted with gasoline. It was low enough to be inside the prison’s wards, level with the razor-wire-topped walls.

My heart froze in my chest. That wasn’t Juniper’s magic. While cum rain was her style, she didn’t use portal magic. Ever. This was someone else.

I had only seen this type of magic in one place before, and it shouldn't be here in Silver Springs at all. It should be very far away from here.

“Shit,” I muttered.

“Oh no, is it raining crap now?” Jag asked.

The rippling magic faded away, taking the yard’s build-up of cum with it.

I picked up the now clean umbrellas and stepped back inside. Beverly Beaver was stripping the bark from her stick while Jag stared at his hands and body, now blissfully clean of… well, dude bliss.

He glanced at me, his dark eyebrows raising toward his hairline. “You do have magic in here.”

“Indeed,” drawled an all-too-familiar voice that sent the hairs on the back of my neck on end.

I glanced down the corridor. There, with a bunch of his fucking cronies, stood the most dangerous person I had ever known.

Ram, ex-supervillain, my ex-boss, and my ex-boyfriend.

Chapter 2