Page 100 of Beaver

Jag shrunk his cock to normal and grabbed the discarded jackets to tie around his waist again. Moe buttoned his jeans and said, “Are you going to kill my friend?”

I raised a brow. “You like this thing?”

“I’ve been playing music for it for days, and our music makes it happy. Plus, it’s probably the only one of its kind.”

I should have been annoyed, but I smiled at his kindness. I lifted my free hand—the other still held the Astrosmos—and let my magic flow around the snail. “Micsorare.”

It shrank, smaller and smaller until I couldn’t even see it from here.

That Ram hadn’t been able to cast a similar spell meant he had been holding this world together from the moment they got here. Or he had to fight off a lot more giant creatures, such as the teeth that had grabbed the men in the first place.

With a sigh, Elliot stopped playing. “That was more practice than I ever needed.” His voice was rough, and his lips were cracked. He hadn’t had enough to drink for all the blowing he was doing. He de-clarineted his dick and pulled up his pants.

Moe stumbled through the blue sand with his head down. “Found it!” He bent to pick up his galactic snail.

“Get to the portal,” I told them. Finally, I turned to Ram and kneeled next to him.

He lifted his head and smiled weakly. His eyes were so baggy, he looked like he had been punched in the face. “I knew you’d find a way to save us.”

“At least one of us did. Come on.” I grabbed his arm above his injury and helped him up. I wrapped an arm around his shoulders to help walk his exhausted ass to the portal.

Of course, Jag, Elliot, and Moe hadn’t left. They waited by the portal.

“Ram and I have to go last,” I told them.

Moe pouted and Jag grumbled, but they finally listened and stepped through. Elliot met my gaze. I expected him to say something profound.

“That was the longest I didn’t wear pants,” he said.

I almost laughed, then realized Elliot was saying something deep after all; he had gone a long time without hiding.

He smiled and then jumped through the portal. I followed, helping an exhausted Ram back to Silver Springs. The road by the abandoned asylum was busy with lingering supes and flashing sirens. Squeezing the Astrosmos in my hand, I whispered a single-word spell and closed the portal behind us.

Sleep, I told the Astrosmos. Its air bubble whooshed back into the relic, and I slid it into the pocket of my leggings.

“We need a healer!” I shouted.

Beackon rushed out of the crowd, and I handed Ram over to her care. The moment I let go of him, Jag, Elliot, and Moe threw their arms around me and planted kisses all over my head and face. I laughed and kissed each of them back.

Sirens shrieked, people talked, and someone was calling for me. I knew that my people needed answers, and I had to decide what to do with Azea, but at the moment, I didn’t care. I just wanted to stay in Jag, Elliot, and Moe’s arms forever. Let the people from Free Jinx handle the rest.

“I’m never letting go of you,” I whispered to Jag, Elliot, and Moe.

“Good, because I can’t take my hands off you,” Jag said.

“Yay, hugs forever!” Moe said.

Elliot kissed my hair. “This is real,” he whispered, his breath warm on my skin. “I missed you so much. I felt as empty as the void.”

The strangest thing was that his words didn’t make me feel excited or touched or even horny. I just felt like I had come home. I kissed his ear, and Moe kissed mine on the other side.

Someone tapped me on the back, and with a sigh, I extracted myself from the men.

Minnie stood behind me, looking flustered in her blue ball gown. “Did you do it? Did you save everyone?”

I smiled. “Thanks to you and the mice! I’m going to bring them their favorite foods. And I’ll fix up their kingdom. And I owe you… well, everything.”

“You took care of my Zachariah while he was locked up, so now we’re even.” She pulled me in for a quick hug. “They took Juniper to the hospital just in case and…” She dropped her voice. “The police are here too. They took the bad witch away and everyone is standing between them and you guys.”