Page 101 of Beaver

I looked around at the Eclipses lingering on either side of us like human walls. Someone must be chopping onions nearby because my sight went a little watery.

“Are you okay?” Minnie said.

“I’m just… not used to so many people caring.”

Elliot rubbed my back, and Moe said, “Awww, we care!”

I smiled. “Minnie, this is Elliot, Moe, and Jag. The guy being healed is Ram.”

Beackon had unwound the fabric from his arm and placed her palms on the very red gashes. They were slowly knitting together under her magical touch. But his eyes were so bleary, I wasn’t sure he even knew I was introducing him to someone.

“Guys, this is Minnie, my…” I hesitated, not sure if it was presumptuous to call her a friend.

“Her very good friend, I hope.” Minnie smiled. “A few months ago, I didn’t think I had any friends, but now… I’m lucky to have people like you in my life, Alyssa.” She flushed slightly.

“I’m lucky to have you too, Minnie.”

“Ooh, can we be friends?” Moe said, offering his hand.

She shook his hand and grinned. “I’d love that.”

“Nice to meet you,” Elliot said.

Jag took her hand, and I realized belatedly that their hands had just been on their dickstruments and ass, and I should have warned poor Minnie.

“Does your dress have pockets?” he said with a grin.

“No, it’s highly impractical. I can’t wait for the spell to wear off so I can go back to normal clothes. But it did look badass on the battlefield, don’t you think?”

Ram groaned and tried to lift his uninjured arm to shake Minnie’s hand but couldn’t quite do it.

He needed more than a healer. He needed a hospital.

Minnie shot me a questioning look.

“I’ll get him to an ambulance,” I said.

Best if I did it in case the cops tried to arrest us when we stepped out from behind the Eclipses’ human wall. I didn’t want to drag Minnie into any trouble with the law.

She pointed behind me. “The paramedics are over there. What do we do with everyone else? There’s like a hundred people, and I can’t afford that many hotel rooms. I don’t know if Silver Springs has that many hotel rooms!”

They had nowhere else to go. Their home had been mine in Free Jinx. “I don’t know either. Maybe there’s a school gym or something we can use as an emergency shelter?”

Minnie nodded. “I’ll talk to Liam. He’s that cop over there.” She gestured somewhere at the edge of the crowd. “He’s my friend Violet’s mate, but he’s nice and can do things like force a gym to house people.” She pushed through the crowd.

I turned to Ram and Beackon. “We have to get him to an ambulance.”

The shy witch nodded, her brown hair falling over her eyes. “I stitched it.”

Ram’s gashes were half-closed now rather than gaping wounds.

“You did fantastic.”

She smiled behind her hair, ducking her head.

I weaved a spell, lifting Ram off his feet. He didn’t even protest, which showed how fucked over he was.

As I carried him toward an ambulance, a dozen of my people followed alongside, blocking us from the view of the cops who were questioning other Eclipses and tagging evidence—mostly dildos and tentacles.