Declan could name two people he’d be keeping an extra eye on tonight. Based off what Belle told him about Ethan’s proclivity for adrenaline rushes, he wouldn’t put it past the guy to try something when all eyes would be on him.

Boone waved a hand. “You’ll all have your communication devices in your ears and if you’re undercover, weapons concealed.”

Declan’s sidearm was holstered on his side, tucked high enough on his torso that Belle wouldn’t feel it unless she knew where to find it. Her hands wouldn’t brush the weapon if she wrapped her arms around him to dance.

Dancing with Belle would give him an excuse to have her in his arms. But it would also afford him the chance to listen to conversations and scope out potential threats.

Boone dismissed them. On the way out, Casey caught up with Declan. “I just wanted to congratulate you on that op last week.”

At the praise, he gave him a nod of thanks. “No big deal.”

“No big deal? The guys said you were humble, but I’m pretty sure anybody in your position would be basking in the spotlight for atleasta month.”

He chuckled. “I’ll see you at the auction.” Increasing his pace, he reached his truck and jumped behind the wheel. What his teammates were saying didn’t sit well with him. He’d saved someone important, sure, buteverylife was important. He hadn’t done anything that any other person on the WEST team wouldn’t.

Once he rolled into his former parking spot, he focused on tonight’s role. Keep the guests safe. Keep Belle from being harassed by her ex and that terrible woman.

Declan also had a new goal, and this one was totally personal.

Make Belle smile.

Twinkle lights dripped from the tree branches that lined the path between the bunkhouse and the big barn where the charity auction was being held. The golden glow glimmered against the falling darkness of short winter days and kept Belle from hurrying too much.

Oh, she was eager to see Declan. But she was far from eager to be in the room with her ex. This charity event was exactly the type of thing that brought out the worst in Ethan. Memories of past events came to mind, and she could only imagine the attention he would draw to himself by flaunting money he’d swindled from people or outright stolen.

She wasn’t in any rush to watch all this unfold, so she took her time and enjoyed her surroundings.

The cold mountain wind teased over her bare arms and she drew her wrap, a pale blue cashmere as light as air, around herself.

Suddenly, a hand landed on her lower back.

She jolted to a stop, senses prickling and her nipples already hard with desire from the familiar scent of Declan’s aftershave. He plastered his body against her back. His warm breath teased her throat.

“You scared me!”

“You look beautiful,” he purred in her ear. Strong arms wrapped around her, and he nuzzled her earlobe.

She shuddered, but not from the cold. “I bet you say that to all the ladies.”

“I’ve been known to lie to a few, but I can honestly tellyouthat I want to flip this dress up and plunge my cock into you.”

She melted against him, and he clutched her tighter, molding her body to his chiseled front. He skated his lips down her neck, leaving goose bumps in his wake.

His stiff erection pressed into her ass, promising a very good night and distracting her from her previous dwellings of her ex. When Declan had his hands on her, nobody else existed.

Pressing tender kisses up her throat, he kneaded her hip in that way that made her pussy clutch with need and flood with desire. She sucked in a breath. “Declan…”

“Mmm. You’re delicious. But you’re right—we should join the party.”

He twirled her in his arms to face him. The burning want in his eyes made her stomach flutter and her nipples harden even more.

With the lightest of brushes, he stroked the hair off her cheek. Then he offered his arm. Smiling, she took it and they continued down the path at the same slow meander that she’d been walking it before.

His gaze roamed over her. “Did I mention how beautiful you are?”

She ducked her head. “Yes, thank you. You look amazing in a suit. But I knew you would.” This wasn’t the sort of talk she’d ever exchanged on a date or with any other man she’d been with. She wasn’t about to tell Sarah she was right about Belle dating terrible men, though. Her friend would rub that in her face every chance she got—playfully, of course.

They reached the door of the barn. A pine wreath hung on it, a white velvet ribbon fluttering in the wind. Declan ushered her inside first. While she got her bearings, he was already scanning the room. His tense pose lasted only seconds before he relaxed and turned to her with a glint in his eyes.