“Should we warm you up with a drink?”
“Yes.” She felt a little giddy without taking one sip of alcohol. The atmosphere in the big room felt charged with all the season’s good tidings and joy. Chatter rose and fell in a natural rhythm, and the brass band in the corner was already playing a selection of old songs from a bygone era.
Candles burned, carrying the scents of cranberry and balsam. The tables were decked out in gleaming white china for a sit-down dinner.
Declan touched the small of her back. Without telling her body to move, it rolled into his touch.
He leaned near. “I’m starting to think of this spot on your body as mine.” With a fingertip, he traced a tiny circle on her back, close enough to her ass to send pulsating heat through her.
Before she could react to his claim on her, the crowd shifted, giving her a clear view of Ethan and Haileigh.
Ugh. Of course the woman looked dazzling in a silver sequined gown. It made Belle’s own look like a hand-me-down even though it cost a fortune. Her credit score might have actually taken a hit when she charged the dress and heels to match.
“Just keep walking, Belle.”
“You see them too?”
“Yes. He looks like a wanker in that cravat.”
Declan’s statement ripped away any resentment she had at her enemies being here. A laugh bubbled out of her. Several people turned to look, smiles on their faces too.
Declan’s lips tilted in the barest hint of amusement as he led her to the bar on the opposite side of the room. “Whiskey for the lady. Soda water for me.”
She turned to him in surprise. “You’re not drinking tonight?”
He offered a smile that warmed her as much as any toasty slippers and roaring fire. “Maybe later.” He took the whiskey from the bartender and held it out to Belle. She wrapped her fingers around the heavy tumbler and clinked it against his glass of soda water.
They both sipped and then drifted away from the bar. He seemed different to her tonight. On edge. Or at the very least, nervous.
“You keep looking around. Are you trying to find someone?” she asked.
His gaze was locked on the center of the room. When she followed his stare, she realized who he was looking at—Ethan. Her ex had his hands in his pockets in a relaxed pose, but his expression was far from at ease.
“He looks furious,” she whispered to Declan.
He nodded.
Whatcould Ethan be up to? There was no way he was here for the charity. Altruism was right up there on his list with honesty—he didn’t know the meaning of either word. She should know—she’d caught him in so many lies, all of them by omission, of course.
That nagging feeling continued throughout dinner. After they were stuffed with prime rib from the Wyntons’ own stock and the feast was cleared away, she saw Haileigh get up and head to the restroom. The urge to go after her and lock her inside a stall flared hot and bright inside Belle.
As she watched, Haileigh threw a look back over her shoulder. A very suspicious and seedy look. Then she hurried out of the room.
Belle shoved her seat back before she realized what she was doing. Declan’s strong hand came down on her thigh. “Don’t go to the restroom just yet.”
For some reason, she felt the pull to go and see what Haileigh was up to. She stood. “I’ll be right back.”
She hurried away before he could persuade her to wait. As she strode from the table, she swore she heard Declan cuss. But he didn’t follow her.
Once she cleared the door leading to a short corridor where the restrooms were located, she looked around. There was no sign of Haileigh anywhere. Listening hard, she couldn’t even make out the sound of the woman’s heels on the hardwood floor.
Belle hurried to the restroom. It was completely empty.
Where had the horrid woman gone?
She could only hope some dark portal to the underworld had opened up and swallowed her. Quickly, she headed back to her seat.