She let out a soft laugh. “You think I have more apple, you greedy girl. Just wait until tomorrow. I’ll bring you some.” She shifted to the other horse’s stall and rubbed her knuckles down the bridge of the horse’s nose. “I’ll bring some for you too.”

With their task finished, he looked to Belle, and his chest swelled at the sight of her.

Her warm brown hair was mussed by the mountain wind, and she wore a radiant glow from fresh air and exercise.

Damn, his chest wasn’t the only thing that swelled. That hay bale was far too close for his peace of mind. It was the perfect height to bend her over and thrust two fingers deep inside her while reaching around the front of her body and stroking her clit.

Now that most of the guests had exited the barn, his job didn’t require him to stick around.

He raked his gaze over Belle’s curves. If he didn’t stop himself now, he never would.

With his balls bluer than he’d experienced in a long, long, long time, he tipped his head toward the exit. “Want to head back inside? Have a drink that isn’t champagne?”

“Sure.” Her smile was sweet, the light in her eyes pure.

They exited the barn and strolled to the main building. Most of the weekend’s events took place here, and security was posted everywhere, some sporting the obvious Wynton Ranch shirts with theWlogo, but several of his teammates, like him, couldn’t be picked out of a crowd.

When he entered with Belle at his side, he scanned the room. Immediately, he spotted her ex. The guy was seated at the back of the room with his fiancée. They seemed to be deep in conversation.

Belle brushed her fingers over Declan’s arm. “I’m just going to wash up. You know, after touching the horses.”

“Good idea. I’ll go too and meet you at that table on the far wall. The one stacked with cookies.”

She craned her neck to see over clusters of people. “Ooh, yes! I see my favorite—gingerbread.”

The restrooms were nestled in a corner of the barn that his knowledge of barns told him probably used to be one large tack room. He was surprised that the lighting wasn’t all that great considering the WEST team kept security high. He made sure to watch Belle enter the ladies’ restroom before he walked into the men’s.

As he stood at the sink, soaping his hands, he glanced up at his reflection in the mirror.

His hat looked old and shabby compared to the ones these wealthy people wore. Though like their vehicles, many of them purchased western wear with high price tags and low practical use. His well-worn one made him stick out a bit more than he preferred.

Too late now. He was stuck with it for the rest of the afternoon, through an hour of refreshments and mingling. After that, he’d sit in with the guests to listen to a guy talk about the cost to train service animals and explain how their donations would help. At which point, he imagined a bunch of people would whip out their checkbooks.

Behind him, the bathroom door opened. In the mirror, he locked eyes with Belle’s ex.

Disgust twisted in his gut and threatened to curl his fingers into fists. Now that he knew how he’d treated her, Declanreallywanted to punch his smug teeth down his throat.

He rinsed his hands, forcing himself to relax his fingers from the fists his body was automatically forcing them into. Those instincts were good but served him better on the job. Right now, he had a role to play.

Ethan sneered at him. “What the hell are you staring at?”

Declan huffed out a laugh. “Not much, man.”

“I could say the same. I’ve seen wannabes like you before.”

Declan froze, glaring back at him. Calculating how close the man stood and how far Declan would have to swing to connect his fist with Ethan’s jaw.

All he had to do was pivot a few degrees and it was game on.

Ethan couldn’t resist running his mouth. “You want to be rich. Want to have things you don’t have.”

“I’ve got Belle,” he gritted out without even thinking.

He chuckled. “She’s nothing. I assume you’ve discovered how terrible she is in bed. Lies there like a dead fish.”

A growl burned up his throat. If she reacted that way to Ethan, she had good reason. But that was far from the response he’d gotten from Belle.

The scent of Christmas pine air fresheners in the restroom couldn’t knock out the reek of Ethan’s cologne. It was starting to burn Declan’s nostrils.