He stared at the guy. “Is this a dick-measuring contest?”


“I’ve never been in one before. No one has ever been insecure enough to challenge me.”

“You asshole. Don’t speak to me that way. You’re just angry that you came here with a cold, dead fish of a date. And now you’re stuck with her while some of us have much, much better.”

He gave Ethan a flat look. “Belle is far from cold when she’s withme.”

“Maybe you tapped her inner whore then. I always wondered if she had one. Most women do.”

His fists clamped so hard that his knuckles popped. Instead of driving them into the bridge of Ethan’s nose, he yanked a paper towel off the dispenser and dried his hands.

When he turned back to Ethan, Declan smiled. “There’s only one reason why you’d be acting like this. It must be painful to still have feelings for Belle when she seems…so…over you.”

Ethan barked out a laugh and sidled over to the urinal. Declan hoped like hell that his cocktail weenie-sized dick got caught in his zipper.

“You sticking around to watch, champ?” he called over his shoulder. “Hoping to get a peek at what you’re lacking?”

Now Declanreallywasn’t leaving. He positioned his back to the wall and folded his arms. “Where are you staying? Bunkhouse? Or top tier?”

“Top tier. The RV’s new, by the way.” He finished pissing and zipped up. Swinging around to fix his ugly glare on Declan, he asked, “You?”

“I’m in the luxury cabin.”

He watched Ethan’s eyes dim. “That wasn’t listed as an option.”

“That’s because it’s only available to VIPs.”

Ethan’s face reddened. He grunted and strode past him, throwing Declan into a noxious cloud of cologne. Before he blasted through the door, Declan called out, “You should wash your hands!”

The faint croon of country singers covering beloved Christmas music would typically annoy Belle. She wasn’t one for the holiday music everyone else seemed to love—especially in a public restroom—but she was in a surprisingly good mood considering that her ex had been on that trail ride.

Seeing him nearly fall off his horse and pitch down the mountainside really brought on the seasonal cheer.

She stepped out of the bathroom stall and stopped dead.

Haileigh stood at the sink, a fat makeup puff in hand, powdering her latest nose job.

The woman peered at her in the mirror.

Refusing to be intimidated, Belle stared back. With all the decorum she possessed, she walked to the sink and turned on the faucet.

Haileigh went back to powdering her nose. Probably trying to fill in the craters of her wrinkles that no amount of Botox could fix. Belle took the high road and bit back the comment.

“You need any powder, just let me know,” Haileigh remarked.

“I’m good.”

She eyed her. “You know why he dumped you?”

“Actually, I dumped him.” She shook the water off her hands.

“Whatever. He’s with me because I’m fearless.”

“And flirting with jailtime!”

It was only a matter of time before Ethan had Haileighdriving the getaway car if she hadn’t already.