“You’re not going to tell me your name?” I gulp. I have been sitting on a couch for an hour.
The boss comes back with a cup of water, but I don’t take it. “Gideon Flynn, although I’m not the boss. You have me mistaken for my stepbrother, Alek Tavish. You’re lucky you’re dealing with me and not that madman. He’s as mad as a fish on land.”
“Where is he?” I ask, trying to get any information I can.
Gideon smiles, “Why? Thinking of trading sides?”
“No, just curious.”
“You know what happened to the curious kitty.” He laughs.
I cross my arms. “I’m tired. Where can I sleep?”
Gideon yawns. “Pick a room, but remember that you’re being watched around this place. If you try to escape, I’ll keep you chained in the basement and starve you. So be a good girl and behave.”
A chill goes through my body and it’s getting harder to believe I will get out of here alive. I miss Prince so much already. I am never going to be able to hold my baby again. Then there’s Kyro. I long to see his cold blue eyes and a wicked smile. It’s only been a few hours; I don’t know how I will last in the days to come.
Chapter 13
Several Years Ago
Ivan and I drink an aged whiskey. “You’ve been distracted lately,” I say in Russian.
Ivan looked at his watch and then back at me. “I’m just busy.” He hums back to me in Russian.
“Is it a woman?” I narrow.
He sheepishly smiles, “Is that where our friendship has gone? Talking about the women we fuck?”
“Seems like more than a fuck the way you keep checking your phone.” I scoff.
Ivan glares. “Definitely more than a fuck.”
I haven’t left my office since the call. Anytime I go anywhere near our room, her smell permeates through it. It hasn’t even been a day and I can’t stop fidgeting. This is not like me. This worry and fear are something I haven’t felt since living with my mother. Prince has taken Reyna’s pillow into his room to sleep with. He is going to get more restless. We both are.
Reyna, my wife, please be strong for me until I come to get you. Don’t let those bastards break you. They don’t stand a chance against you.
As I sit in the room of my choosing, two guards sit outside the door, and I just try to convince myself that it’s like being home. I think of Kyro’s protective hands wrapped around me, his lips leaving kisses along my neck. My legs wrapped in the warmth of his muscular legs. I imagine his blue eyes staring into my own.
His cum is still inside me. At least he will be happy about that. I don’t even want to shower anymore. I want to keep his scent on me for as long as possible. My body still has a lingering smell of his expensive cologne. Kyro, please get me soon. Please don’t let me die here. Don’t let me die alone, please.
“You think she’s awake?” I hear voices by the door.
The door opens and I see the guards. “What are you doing?” I question.
They don’t answer me. Both just walk in, and I try to scream, but he covers my mouth, while the other holds me down.
“We got to do this quick before someone comes.” One says and I almost throw up in my mouth.
No matter how hard I kick and thrash, they refuse to let go and only grow more forceful. “This one’s right plump. Look at thearse.” He continues.
“And no knickers? This is too easy.” The other gloats.