Page 44 of Widowed

They laugh even harder as I struggle to break free with my thrashing.

The door suddenly opens, and Gideon is at the door with a gun in his hand. He steps in and both men back away from me. “W-We were just messing about.” One stutter. Gideon just shoots him in the head, and I hold in my scream. Blood is all over the walls and my body.

The other one is on his hands and knees begging to not be killed. “I told you to guard her. Not to touch her.” If looks could kill, Gideon wouldn’t need that gun.

I shut my eyes and put my hands over my ears as he shoots the other man in the head. Gideon reaches out to me, and I hesitate to take his hand and decide not to take it.

“I apologize, on their behalf, but they have now paid in blood.” He casually says.

“Rethink the company you keep.” Choosing my words carefully, not understanding yet the extension of his temper. I try to hide the fact that I’m on the verge of tears.

“Icanonly control a monster for so long, but I will put it down if need be.” His honey eyes don’t waver from his words, but he’s a mobster. Mobsters lie, steal, and kill for profit. I can’t trust his words for a second.

I inhale deeply as he says, “Come, this room isn’t suitable for you anymore, las.”


This isn’t like me. People have always been at my mercy and now the Irish have the upper hand. How could I have been so fucking careless? My reality has blurred with fantasy ever since Reyna came home with me. Lately, I’ve been feeling complacent and too at ease. I feel like such a fool for letting them take Reyna so easily. I should have never left her side.

“Pahkan, we will get her back, I promise you we will. Guns are nothing. We will get more. Your wife is all that matters. Everyone in the brotherhood understands. We have time to get them back, but Reyna only has days.” Nikolai is trying to ease my decision, but I know this will be a blow. My men will not believe in my leadership over this decision, but this is my decision, and I will get my wife back no matter the cost.

The burner phone rings, and I pick it up instantly. “Yes?” I answer.

“I thought you would want an update; she’s fed and sleeping comfortably.”


He clears his throat. “Have you come to a conclusion?”

“I’ll give you what you want. Be a man of your word and do what you promised. There’s no need to spill more blood.”

“Agreed. I don’t have the patience for war, so let’s not light the match.”

I draw in a deep breath, trying to calm my racing heart. “I’ll have it tomorrow. Bring my wife. Where do you want to meet?”

“Something symbolic. My warehouse you burned to the ground is fitting. As much as I love a good chin wag as much as the next lad, I have to get a goodnights rest.” He hangs up the phone.

Tomorrow, I’m coming, Reyna.


Gideon has me in a room next to him. Better for him to monitor me. I can’t sleep after what those men tried to do. This isn’t the first time a man has tried this. Any escort will tell you how cruel and despicable people can be. I have been lucky enough to have not been assaulted, but with these monsters around, I may not be so lucky next time. In times like this, I didn’t realize how at ease I was when Kyro was around. I never had to worry because he was always attentive to me. You don’t realize what you have until it’s stripped from you. If I get out of here alive, I’ll need to be stronger. I can’t let myself be taken like that again.

The only way I can sleep is to think of what he is up to right now. I know he’s frustrated right now. Not knowing what was going on with me. I hope he can hide his anger in front of Prince. I’m sure he will be calm for Prince. Even though he hasn’t been a father to Prince for much time, I can see that he adores Prince and that he adores him right back.


One of my men tells me that Prince cannot get to sleep. His restlessness is keeping him awake. I go to his room and see him looking up at the ceiling.

“Can’t get to sleep? Me either.” I rub the top of his head.

Prince sighs, “Dad, is this going to be a normal thing?Papatold me that life in the Bratva is hard. Will it always be this hard?”

“Yes, this is a hard life. I am trying to make it easier for you. Prince, if this life ever gets to be too great for you or your mother, I will send you both away with alternative names. I’ll take all the necessary measures to keep you protected.” I assure.

“Without you?” I nod with a forced smile. Prince gets up and hugs me. “Don’t send us away.” He pouts.

“I will never send you away unless you ask. You and your mother are my entire life. There’s nothing I care for more.” I reassure.