Page 47 of Widowed

“He understands but doesn’t speak it. I’m the same way as my Spanish. I understand, but speaking is hard sometimes. You should speak more Russian with him, so he learns to speak it properly.” I say, moving closer into his chest now that Prince is gone.

He plays with the ends of my curls. “Sure, I’ll do that. I’ll also get him a tutor to help him with his Russian and Spanish. We have to make sure he speaks both. It will help him get a partner.” Kyro laughs.

“You’re already thinking about who he will marry?” I laugh.

“Yes, it’s important who he marries. We are not a regular family. His partner will be at risk because of their association with us. I want him to find someone he loves, but he must choose carefully.”

It seems selfish to think that way. Maybe down the line, Prince might detach from us to be normal, and I wouldn’t blame him. I made my vows, and I will honor them.

When my eyes glance over at Kyro again, his blue gaze is nowhere to be found. His eyes are shut, and his breathing has slowed; he’s asleep.

That’s right, he said he hadn’t slept since I was taken on our wedding night. That would mean he’s been up for over twenty-four hours.

“I’m sorry.” I apologize.

He doesn’t reply, his mind is drifted off into a deep sleep. I didn’t sleep either while I was with my captors. I mean, how could I? Within the first couple of hours, his men tried to rape me. That was just a taste of what I would have experienced if I had stayed any longer. The idea is beyond frightening, but I don’t want to tell Kyro that. I don’t want him to feel more responsible than he already does. It wasn’t his fault I was taken, but I know he doesn’t see it that way. I don’t want to be a burden to him.

Kyro’s phone suddenly rings on the nightstand. He shifts before waking. He grabs it and puts it to his ear. “What?” He growls menacingly.

I put a hand on his neck to calm him. Those dark blue eyes gaze at me, but his eyes aren’t softening. Whatever is being said on the other side of that phone call can’t be pleasant.

Kyro goes on to speak in Russian. I can’t understand much. So, I wait for his call to end, but he gets up from the bed with his phone call still going on and walks out of the room. Leaving me alone in our bed.

Do I follow him? I hate this. I’ve never been a woman to second guess my actions, but I am still trying to figure Kyro out. It’s only been a couple of weeks. I don’t know him fully yet and that’s what makes me so hesitant and indecisive. I don’t want to push too far, but I also don’t want him to keep leaving me out of things. I understand that he’s the boss, but I have a place here as well.

Kyro comes back into the room with two bowls. “I’m starving and I couldn’t listen to the phone call without something.” He groans.

He sets one bowl on the nightstand near me. I look in to see a bowl of cereal. “I’m sorry,zhena. I should have fed you before I fell asleep.” He apologizes.

I take the bowl and start eating. He brought me cereal. How cute.

“Is this what you like to eat at night?” I giggle.

He takes another spoonful into his mouth as he sits beside me. “This is what I grew up on. My mother would cook when she could, but this was what I mostly ate.” He says with a smile you could barely see.

“You are cute.” I laugh while taking a bite of cereal.

Kyro narrows his eyes. I doubt a monster wants to be categorized as cute, but I can’t help it. “Eat your cereal.” He glares, but it only makes me laugh even more.

I ponder back on the call. “So…what was the call about?”

“It was Nikolai. He wanted to know if I got you back.” He answers.

Oh shit, I haven’t even called Izzy. I got my phone and instantly called her.

She picks up instantly, “R-Rey-Reyna.” Izzy cries through the phone. “Are y-youokay?” She chokes up. The tremble in her voice breaks my heart.

“Yes! I’m okay. I’m so sorry we just got back an hour ago. I should have called you.” I should have.

She exhaled. “It’s okay. I’m glad you’re back. That’s insane, there are a lot of sick people out there but who kidnaps a bride?Who the helldid you piss off?”

She still doesn’t know what this family is. I have to tell her; I can’t keep this a secret from her. “Izzy, the reason I was taken…” I look over at Kyro to gauge his reaction. Kyro nods and I assume he agrees to tell her. “It is not something I can say over the phone. Nikolai will explain everything to you. Kyro and I will be in South Korea for our honeymoon, but call me.”

“You’re sort of scaring me, Reyna.” she says, forcing a laugh.

I don’t know how to respond. So, I lie, “Don’t be.”

How else do you tell your friend you selfishly brought her into a world of chaos? Will she distance herself from me? If she does, it has to be her choice. I can’t keep having her around us as much as she is not knowing the truth. That would be too cruel.