Page 48 of Widowed

“I’ll call you tomorrow.” I pause. “I love you so much.”

“I love you more, dummy.” She replies sweetly.

I hang up and look over at Kyro, and he’s looking at me like he’s irritated. “What?’ I ask.

He ignores me and goes back to eating his cereal.

I glared and snatched the bowl out of his hands. “What’s your problem?” I bark.

Kyro grabs me harshly and pins me down on the bed. He hovers on top of me. “Is it that easy for you to say you love someone?” He interrogates.

Is Kyro jealous? He wants me to say I love him, but I’m still not sure if I do yet. With Ivan, love was quicker, but Kyro was not Ivan. He is his own person with a distinct set of emotions and feelings.

“It’s not like you have said it either…” I mention. “Just because we are married doesn’t mean you will automatically be in love with me.” Kyro leans down and kisses me with an abundance of passion. My hand grabs onto the seam of his sweatpants. “Kyro, when you do love me, will you tell me?”

Kyro ignores my question and flips me on top of him. I’m still clothed. The only thing that’s bare is his chest. I pull away from our kiss and try to decipher the answer in his eye, but Kyro doesn’t give me anything.

Was it easy for him to tell Maeve he loved her? “Have you ever said it to Maeve? Or did you keep her guessing?”

“I told her.” He answers quickly.

“And then she broke up with you.” I bluntly state.

Kyro’s hand snakes around my waist. “Yes, she did. And for a while, I was pissed. Then I becamePahkanand tried to forget her. Then Ivan told me about you. I kept trying to convince him that he shouldn’t keep spending so much time with you. That you were clouding his judgment and would eventually leave if you ever found out about him being a mobster?” He pauses. “Ivan kept the secret from you, and I feel responsible for that,” she admitted. “He wanted you so badly. I couldn’t believe he got you pregnant as quickly as he did, but I get it now.” He laughs at that last part.

“So, you didn’t like me much, because I was stealing your bestie.” I mock.

Kyro flicks my forehead. “No, I just didn’t want him to get wrapped up in someone who will disappoint him. Although, I was not being fair to you since I had never met you. I know now that you were perfect for Ivan.”

Perfect for…Ivan? What about you?

“Maybe if I hadn’t convinced him to lie, he…” He trails off.

I stopped him right away. “Don’t do that to yourself. Ivan’s death is not your fault or my fault.”

“I know.” He sighs. “I will gut those pigs soon enough. Playing the long game is more effective. But I have other pigs to dismember in Korea.”

“Who?” I raise my brow.

“The head of theYakuzahas been hiding out in Busan. He sent a spy to join my ranks. So, I have decided to implant my spy, but with the boss in hiding, I can’t have the spy leave and feed me information.”

“That’s true.”

“So, I’m going to the spy.” His finger trails down my neck, “But there’s no reason for me to not treat my wife to the best sights and food…” He trails off as he starts to kiss my neck.

The feeling of his hand is so hot. How could anyone be at this temperature? I can feel his hard bulge from under me. With one hand on my neck and the other secured on my ass, he becomes very impatient as he smacks my ass incredibly hard, then rubs it tenderly.

“It’s only been a day since we’ve fucked. Do you want me again already?” I taunt, Kyro is not in a friendly mood right now. All he wants is to have me to himself.


When she was taken from me, I thought about all the things we would never have been able to experience if they had killed her. The words that I would never get to hear. Scenarios ran through my head. It drove me batshit crazy. It was only for a day she was able to destroy my world. The fact that she means that much to me already, I can only imagine what she will do to me in a couple of months. She’s already making me fucking crazy; I can’t get crazier than this. Her voice, the feel of her, and the way she continues to fight for us even when she’s scared. No woman has ever done that for me.

“I always want you. There’s no time when that stops,” I growl.

“Sounds like an obsession.” She moans from my hand, squeezing her neck.

I squeeze a bit harder causing her to gasp, “It’s more than an obsession, it’s a state of utter mania.”