I suck on my teeth and inhale sharply. They think it’s all false, too blinded by the fact that those who actually care are cursed. “Perhaps if we send someone who is blessed to make the report?”
“And wait for a body to just show up?” The captain raises an eyebrow, and I grind my teeth until my jaw clicks in strain. The wedding is tomorrow. Rowan thinks he is my brother, meaning my father had an affair. My mother was murdered. Blaine is gone. Dead bodies of soldiers are showing up in cursed cities. The connection is staring me in the face, and yet I cannot see it.
I pinch the bridge of my nose between my thumb and forefinger, a habit I picked up from Rowan. I slap my hand against my leg, glaring at the offending fingers. Torin watches sadly before draping an arm around my shoulder.
“I have much to do as it is. The king took no concern over our knights’ dead bodies showing up but took the time to task me in finding that damned black stallion.”
I gasp. “Vestíg is missing?” Now that I think about it, I haven’t seen the dark horse in quite some time. He can usually be found at the center chaos in the stables or the courtyard. It has been quiet lately. Too quiet.
“Disappeared a few nights ago. Stall was locked, but the horse was gone. I thought we’d all rejoice, but no. Apparently, I need to track him down before he murders someone in a village or something.” Torin cracks a wry smile.
“Come on.” He offers me his arm. “Let’s get you cleaned up, or that cut will get infected and postpone your wedding! We can’t have the bride bleeding on her wedding day.”
I stare into his eyes before, handing him my concealed dagger and deadpan. “Please cut every surface of my skin then.’
“It can’t be that bad…” He trails off with a cringe, knowing damn well it is in fact ‘that bad.’ Tomorrow I am set to wed the man who destroyed my best friend’s honor, kissed me forcefully, and has trapped me to him through this false alliance. He also doesn’t give a damn about consequences as long as he gets what he wants. Lucky for me, I’m what he wants for now.
I lower my voice as we trek through the halls towards my chambers. The guards posted around my door have lessened now given our shortage of soldiers, but still, my paranoia is relentless. “You know I still plan on leaving before morning, right?”
Torin presses his lips together and nods. “And you know I still don’t think it is a good idea given the state you’ve been in since the ball.”Since Rowan left you.
Rowan is wrong, he has to be. Emilie is blessed, and so is my father, but he is a hybrid. I don’t think Emilie would lie to him about his parentage, so he must be going through some breakdown, maybe from stress?
Or he needed an easy out once he knew who you were. Maybe he made a mistake.That small voice whispers in the back of my head. I force myself to shove it down, but a small fraction remains.
“I am fine. This was always the plan. I’ll get to the port and book passage somewhere far from here. I’ll make a life for myself then send word when I’m established.”
“Under the name Marie,” Torin recalls. My heart splinters.
He tuts his tongue but says nothing as we approach my door. My eyes gleam with tears as I notice the sun setting lower in the sky. We’d spent all day together, and it doesn’t feel like enough. He sniffles lightly and offers a smile before opening his arms.
Wordlessly, I toss my arms around his neck, letting him hold my head to his chest and muffle my sobs. The hallways are empty, so I don’t worry about others seeing us. He may not have been in my life as long as Tanja or Blaine, but parting with him threatens to break me just as much.
“You do what you have to do. Go where you want to go.” His laughter rattles through my ribcage. “Write your story. If you ever need any help, know you’ll always have an ally in Krycolis.”
I knew leaving would hurt. I didn’t know it would hurt this much.
Torin lets go first, placing a small kiss atop my head. Before he leaves, he holds both of my hands in one of his then kneels with his chin tucked to his chest.
“Until we meet again, my greedy princess,” he jests, then rises with his signature smile. I try to engrave every detail of it in my mind as he walks away. The slight bounce in his step, his bleach blonde hair. The way he used to smile more when it was the four of us and how he clutches his belly when he laughs.
Tanja opens the door behind me, silently tucking me into her arms and leading me into the room. She unbraids my hair and lets me wash myself up before I slink back into the bedroom.
Beneath my pillowy mattress, I’ve stuffed my weaponry and provisions for when I leave. The plan is that Tanja will stay here tonight under the guise of helping me prepare for my wedding night. I will slip out right before the first brush of morning, and when the palace wakes, Tanja will alert the king that someone has stolen the princess in the night.
We went back and forth on that detail for a while but decided against saying I just disappeared. If they believe my enemies have stolen me, the guards will trace their patterns rather than mine, and I will have a greater chance of making it to the port before they realize I am long gone.
Tanja lay in her long nightgown atop my bed, fiddling with her ring. I slip in softly beside her, my hair still tangled and dripping down my back. I hold out my hand, and she places the jewelry in my palm. It burns cool against my skin, heavier than I thought it would be. The simple gold band matches her eyes while the blue sapphire matches Ruby’s. I place the ring delicately on her finger.
“It’s lovely.”
Tanja hums, taking an ornately engraved brush from my nightstand and smooths my hair. The bristles tickle my scalp, and I lean back into her touch.
“Everything is ready for tomorrow.” She speaks lowly, then pauses, straining to listen. Without warning, she raises her voice with a mischievous glint in her eyes. “So when Lucius enters your chambers, you should take hisgiant, veinous-“
A soft ‘eep’ and the clinking of chainmail echoes outside my door as the maids and guards scurry off, not quite wanting to hear this about their future leaders. Tanja grins evilly and winks at my blush.