Page 63 of Tantalize


“Ah, there’s our missing sub,” Lara said.

“Not missing, just took a little bit of break,” Dani said, sitting down. She missed this, being with other women who understood.

“I’m glad you’re back,” Regina said.

“Thanks for covering for me last Saturday.” Regina had been the one to call her Saturday morning and suggest Dani take a break, and she’d cover the front desk with Ralph.

After chatting for a while, Colby joined them. “Dani, I’ve been asked to do a demo with an implement that Lara isn’t comfortable with. Can I borrow you again?”

“Which implement?” she asked.

“Bison flogger.”

Dani didn’t even hesitate. “Sure.” A good flogging would help her clear her head even more. She was tired of thinking about what to do about Gabriel. There was no solution. She had to let him go.

“Wonderful.” Colby held his hand out to her.

* * * *

Gabriel strode into the club at ten, knowing Dani wouldn’t be behind the desk. He slipped into the club and over to the bar. There she was, sitting and chatting with the other subs. Good. He’d tried all week to talk to her, but she’d refused.

She wouldn’t answer his calls, his texts, or anything he tried. He’d even sent her flowers. She hadn’t stayed after her shift last night. He kept his gaze on her. She looked tired. Probably no more than he was.

When Colby held his hand out to her, Gabriel stiffened. His gaze followed them. When Colby helped Dani onto a stage that held a bondage horse, he stood up.

“No.” Max stepped in front of him.

“Max…” Gabriel started.

“She called her safe word last week, and you acted like an ass,” Max said.

“He’s been told that,” Zeke commented. “Multiple times, by me.”

Gabriel glared at Zeke, but deep down, he knew Zeke was right. He had reacted badly to Dani’s request. Why hadn’t he just told James he couldn’t do the demo? When Dani walked out on him last week, something broke inside him. While he tried to reach her all week, he’d also spent the week taking a long, hard look at what he’d said and what had happened.

“Fine. I was an ass.” Gabriel tried to shake off Max’s hold.

“I’m not letting you go. I want you to stand here and watch. I meanreallywatch.”

“Come on, Max.” He couldn’t watch Dani play with another Dom. That would be torture.

“No, Gabriel, if you wish to remain in my club, you will stand here and watch the demo.”

“Hard ass,” Gabriel muttered. If it was the only way he could stay, he’d do it.

“And don’t you forget it.”

Gabriel nodded, rested his ass against the bar stool, and kept his gaze on the stage. Colby was chatting with Dani, but she hadn’t removed any of her clothing. Good. Not that she was wearing much, just a sports bra and a pair of boy shorts.

Colby had Dani lean over the bondage horse, but he didn’t restrain her. He picked up a rabbit flogger, explaining to the crowd this was to warm up the sub. And how a sub would usually either be naked or at least half undressed, but since this wasn’t his sub, he was respecting her wishes.

Interesting. Before, when Colby flogged her, Dani had removed her top. What was different tonight? After a few passes with the first flogger, he picked up the next one, suede and leather.

“Look at her face,” Max whispered.

Gabriel’s gaze shifted. What the hell? Dani’s eyes were wide open. With him, she would already be primed and emotional. There was no expression on her face at all. This was not the Dani he was used to seeing. Something wasn’t right.