They talked quietly as Dane drove to Dani’s apartment after getting her address. By the time she they arrived at her apartment, she felt better. Still miserable, but better. Her relationship with Gabriel was over. Tonight showed her that. He didn’t trust her. Didn’t think her opinion counted. And he’d used the “L” word. How low could a man go? Thank goodness she was done with the landscaping at the club and Max’s house.
“Thank you for the ride home,” Dani said, slipping out of the SUV.
“I should walk you to your door,” Dane said with a frown.
“I’m fine. It was kind of you to drive me home.” Dani shut the door and walked to her building. She went through the security door and made sure it locked behind her. Dane waited until she was behind that door before he drove off.
Dani made her way to her apartment. Everything in her hurt. Her head, her heart. It was a good thing this was Friday. She turned off her phone before she went to take a shower. She needed to be alone and figure out what she was going to do. Because her heart was shattered. She loved Gabriel, always had, always would.
* * * *
“Dani, honey, would you come in here for a minute,” her grandmother asked as she came through the door a week later.
“Of course.” Dani set her purse down. She fled her apartment last Saturday after Gabriel wouldn’t stop calling or stopping by. “What’s up?” she asked, seeing her grandparents seated together on the sofa with worried expressions.
“We’re worried about you,” her grandmother said as Dani sat in the chair across from them.
“I’m fine. Just a little tired.” A lot actually. She’d barely slept since last weekend. She worked fourteen hour days so she could avoid Gabriel as much as possible. He wasn’t making it easy. He’d stopped by the business; called her, texted her. Heck, he’d even tried to video chat.
“Dani, you’re not happy. If you want out from under the business, it’s fine. We can sell it,” her grandfather said.
“Absolutely not.” Dani stared at her grandparents. “I love the business.”
“But you’ve been so unhappy this week,” her grandmother said.
Dani kept quiet. She hadn’t told her grandparents about Gabriel and the falling out they had. They hadn’t asked why she staying with them this week. “It isn’t because of the business.” She took a deep breath. “Gabriel and I had a fight.”
“Oh?” Her grandfather stiffened.
“I’m sorry to hear that,” her grandmother said. “I’m sure things will work out. Did you know that Gabriel checked in on us while you were gone?”
“He did?”
“Yes, and he always asked about you,” her grandfather said.
That was news to her. Gabriel never mentioned that he’d asked about her. Only that he’d kept an eye on her grandparents and helped them when they needed it.
“Gabriel loves you,” her grandmother said.
“That might be true, but I can’t take the chance. He shattered my heart once, and I don’t think I could take it a second time.” Who was she kidding? Her heart was already in pieces, and she couldn’t figure out how to put it back together.
“You’re welcome to stay here. Take as much time as you need, but listen to your heart, Dani,” her grandmother said.
“Thanks, both of you.” Dani stood and made her way out into the garden. This was where she’d first fallen in love with horticulture, watching her grandfather tend these flowers and bushes. Being here calmed her.
* * * *
Later that Friday evening, Dani walked into Wicked Sanctuary. She might look like death warmed over, but she told Max she’d be there to help Ralph. She’d begged off last Saturday night, but she wouldn’t do that to Max a second time.
Ralph gave her a sharp look, but Dani just smiled and did her job, and when things were manageable for Ralph, she left.
Saturday night rolled around, and she walked into the club feeling a little better. Being here calmed the turmoil she was feeling. As the members came in, she could tell there was a different feel in the air, and she wondered what was going on.
It was also busier than usual. She didn’t get done until almost nine-thirty when Allyson came to get her. Ralph told her to go have fun.
“I know we’ve talked, but are you okay?” Allyson asked as she pulled Dani toward the sub area.
“I’m better.” She’d told Allyson more today about what happened with her and Gabriel. It had helped her process the rest of her feelings.