Page 61 of Tantalize

“I do. I need to know. How committed are you to me, Gabriel?”

He froze. How did he answer that? He enjoyed being with Dani in and out of the club. He was committed to her as he could be. They were in a relationship. Was she talking marriage commitment?

“Your silence is telling.” She bit her lower lip. “If you’re unwilling to discuss my feelings around this, you’ve violated our agreement.”

He placed his hand on her arm before she could move away. “I can use a dummy for the demo.” It would mean the sub wouldn’t get to feel the sting of the whip, but if it stopped Dani from walking away until he could figure out why she wasn’t listening to him.

The look she gave him was glacial. He shivered. “How is that a demo?”

“I’m not going to use you, Dani.” No way in hell. “We haven’t gone beyond cow suede; the braided flogger is about as heavy as I’ll go with you.”

“Why? Because you think I can’t handle it?”

“It’s not a matter of handling it. Dani, you’re a novice with impact play. You have to build up to certain things, not just jump to the top.”

“Are you saying you’re going to hurt the sub?”

“Whips can take skin. I’m careful, but I’m putting my foot down on this.” Why didn’t she get that he couldn’t use something that heavy on her? What if she moved when he didn’t expect it? What if he hurt her? It was one of her hard limits, and he was respecting that. This was one line he wouldn’t cross. “I’m sorry, but no to you being my sub for the demo.”

“It’s over.” She shook off his hold and walked toward the doors to the club.

“Like hell.” Gabriel slipped off his stool and caught up with her. “Dani, don’t do this.” He turned her to face him and was dismayed to see tears in her eyes. “Baby?” He cupped her cheek.

“No.” She moved away from his touch. “I can’t do this.”

“Dani.” He slipped his arm around her waist. “I love you.”

She stiffened in his hold. “Bastard,” she whispered. “I won’t be manipulated by your words. Red.”

Gabriel dropped his arm and watched her turn and march out of the club. Regina was right behind her—after glaring at him. What the hell had just happen? How had he lost control of the situation?

Chapter 9

Dani could barely see through her tears. Damn Gabriel. Why couldn’t he understand she needed to be his sub. Maybe she was the fool here? But seeing him work with the whip, knowing what it could do… She shook her head. There had to be someone else in the club that could do the demo?

Her locker finally beeped, and she pulled out her clothes and pulled them over her outfit. How was she going to get home? Max didn’t allow them to call for a rideshare to or from the club. It was a safety issue for him.

“Do you need any help?” Dani turned to see Regina standing there.

“I…I…” A sob escaped her lips.

Regina enfolded her in her arms, and Dani cried.

“I need a ride home; I came with Gabriel,” she said after several minutes.

“Dane and I can take you home.” Regina found a box of tissues and handed several to her.

“Thanks.” Dani mopped her eyes and blew her nose. “I knew Gabriel was stubborn but not this bad.”

Regina laughed. “All men are. They just need to learn that we women aren’t as fragile as they think.”

“I’m not fragile. He just thinks I am because of the way I reacted when we were in college.” He kept thinking she couldn’t let that go but she had. She’d forgiven him. He was the one holding onto that memory. Dani gathered up the rest of her belongings as Regina dressed.

When they walked out of the ladies’ room, Dani’s heart sank. Dane stood there but no Gabriel. She had hoped… Disappointment hit her low in the gut. He had truly abandoned her this time. Without a word, Dane gestured for them to proceed him.

Regina led her out to an SUV and climbed in back with her. “Don’t you want to sit up front with Dane?” Dani asked.

“It’s fine. Talk to Regina,” Dane said as he started the vehicle.