Page 38 of Tantalize

“I don’t think so.” Gabriel spied Max by the bar, talking with Zeke. He guided Dani in that direction, and she stiffened in his hold. But he wasn’t going to let this go. Couldn’t let this go. Max wouldn’t want him to, and Dani’s instincts were good ones. He knew that from college where he’d witnessed her calling out some of the guys on campus for hassling women. “Max, do you have a minute?”

“Of course. Is there an issue between you two?” Max’s gaze roamed over the possessive hold Gabriel had on Dani.

“No,” Gabriel said. He looked down at Dani, and she shifted from one foot to the other.

“Dani, do you need to speak to me alone?” Max asked.

“No, Master Max. It’s just…” She hesitated, but Gabriel wanted her to tell the story. She chewed her lip for a moment, then spoke up. “It’s the new Dom. Ward is his name.”

Max frowned, and Dani cuddled closer to Gabriel. Was she worried Max would be angry with her?

“You seem hesitant,” Max said. “May I?” Max held up his hand and looked at Gabriel.

Gabriel nodded.

Max took Dani’s hand in his. “You know you can tell me anything. Anything at all.”

“Yes, Master Max. All of us know we can come to you about anything when something is bothering us.”

“Good to know. So can you explain your hesitation?”

Gabriel tightened his arm around her waist to let her know he was there for her and to lend her strength.

“The problem is, I don’t have anything concrete. It’s just a feeling. When he talks to me, his choice of words and his tone make my skin crawl. And…” Dani took a deep breath. “Some of the other subs indicated he doesn’t like to take no for an answer.”

“I see.” Max released her hand, glanced over at Zeke, and nodded. He turned his attention back to Dani. “Ward needs several refresher classes. Thank you for bringing this to my attention. Please remind the subs that if a Dom doesn’t listen to their no, even on the first time, I want to know. I will not tolerate a Dom disrespecting a sub in my club.”

Dani sagged against Gabriel. She’d been really wound up about this, and he wondered why. Maybe it had something to do with her time in San Francisco. She’d mentioned that some of the places she went to worried her that consent was ignored.

“Thank you, Max,” Gabriel said. “Dani and I are going to walk around the club, but I appreciate your attention to this matter.”

“Of course. I want the subs in my club to feel comfortable and not have to worry that their concerns will not be heard.” Max looked at Gabriel and tilted his head.

Gabriel nodded.

Max leaned down and kissed Dani on the forehead. “You’re one of the family. I will make sure you are taken care of, and I’m sure Gabriel will as well.”

Dani’s cheeks turned pink, and Gabriel grinned as he guided Dani away from Max and toward a flogging scene. “Are you okay now?”

“Yes, Sir.” Dani blew out a breath. “It’s always a little nerve-racking to talk with Master Max, especially in the club.”

Gabriel turned Dani to face him. “Why?”

“He seems…so powerful, so in control that it’s almost scary.”

Gabriel’s grinned. “You didn’t seem to feel that way when you were talking to him about the landscaping.”

“Outside the club, he’s different. It’s hard to explain. An aura of power is around him, but inside the club, it’s almost tangible.”

Gabriel stared down at her as he pondered her words. He never viewed Max any differently in or out of the club, but he was beginning to think maybe the subs did. “Do you view me differently?”

“Not really. But we haven’t played together yet.”

“You played with Max?” A shockwave went through his body.

“Not the way you’re thinking. Max guided me a bit in training one night when Bennett wasn’t available, of course this was before he met Sierra.”

Relief filled Gabriel. “I understand now. I was thinking we could watch this flogging scene and discuss it. Does that work for you?”