Page 37 of Tantalize

Instead of walking back to the house, Gabriel guided her around the side and out the small gate to where their vehicles were parked.

“Your car wasn’t here when I arrived,” she said.

“No. I drove over from the club since I knew once this talk was done, I would be off to my next commitment.” He stood with her next to her vehicle. “Are you coming to the club tonight?”

“I have to work the door first, but then I’ll be in.”

“I’ll be there as well. Can we walk around the club together?”

Dani pondered his question for half second. “I’d like that.” She didn’t miss the gleam of excitement that flashed in Gabriel’s eyes.

“Great. Have a good rest of your day.” Gabriel leaned over and brushed a kiss over her cheek.

Dani froze. The feel of Gabriel’s kiss on her cheek sent a shockwave of sensation through her body. It wasn’t as if he hadn’t kissed her before, but this felt different. This felt new.

“I’ll see you later.” Her voice was soft. She opened the door to her vehicle, climbed in, and drove away. Between this job, playing at the club, and possibly dating, she and Gabriel were definitely going to be seeing more of each other. That send a shaft of excitement and anticipation through her body.

* * * *

Gabriel strode into Wicked Sanctuary. He was later than he wanted to be, but he’d done that on purpose. He wanted to sign in without Dani being at the check-in desk. After changing his clothes, he walked into the club.

He stopped inside the door and closed his eyes. The techno beat of the music soaked into his skin, and he relaxed. He wanted to be here. He needed to be here. He opened his eyes and scanned the club for Dani.

There she was, waiting in the green area and talking with some of the other subs. He started to move in that direction but stopped when another Dom approach Dani. Gabriel’s hackles rose. Dani was his.

Down, boy. They’d only agreed to walking around the club tonight. He crossed the room and was stopped by Max.

“You have that look in your eyes,” Max said.

Gabriel took a deep breath. “I won’t do anything without her full agreement. We’ve talked and come to an understanding.”

“Very well.” Max stepped out of his way, and Gabriel continued his journey. First chance he got, he’d convince Dani to change the wristband she wore to purple and white to signify taken sub. Gabriel didn’t recognize the Dom who was talking to Dani, but he didn’t know everyone in the club. Dani glanced up as he approached, her brown eyes sparkling.

“Good evening, Dani.” Gabriel nodded at the other Dom. “Are you ready to walk around the club with me?” He held out his hand.

“Yes, Sir. I am.” She put her hand in his, and his confidence soared. “Sorry, Sir,” she said to the other Dom. “As I was explaining, I’ve promised my time to Sir Gabriel tonight.”

“Very well,” the Dom said, but his gaze never left Dani. “Maybe another night. I’ll be keeping my eyes on you.” The man walked away.

A shiver went through Dani’s body. “Are you okay?” Gabriel watched the Dom head for the other side of the club. He would keep his eyes on the man. Something didn’t feel right.

“Let’s walk around,” she said. “See you ladies later.”

Gabriel smiled at the subs, put his arm around Dani’s waist, and guided her away. “Was the Dom saying things to you that you didn’t like?”

“He’s just one of the newer ones. I’ve seen him play with the couple the subs, and I don’t like his attitude.”

“Oh?” Gabriel would definitely keep his eye on the man and tell Max. Even with all the screenings Max did, sometimes a bad apple slipped through.

“Thank you for coming to my rescue. I do appreciate it.”

“It really wasn’t a rescue. I know you can take care of yourself, and I’m sure if you told him no, he would’ve walked away.” As any Dom in the club should when a sub said no.


Gabriel frowned and pulled Dani to a stop. Her tone was too skeptical, and he didn’t like it. “If you have any doubts about this Dom, you should talk to Max.”

Dani shook her head. “It’s probably nothing. Just me.”