Page 34 of Tantalize

“At the time, I wasn’t finding any satisfaction in playing at the club.” Gabriel cupped her chin and turned her face to him. “There is nothing you can’t ask me. I mean that, absolutely nothing. I do reserve the right to say I’m not going to answer, but feel free to ask me. That goes for both of us. I meant it when I said communication is important. If we don’t talk to each other, I don’t know what’s going on in your head. Contrary to popular belief, Doms are not mind readers.”

She laughed. “If you guys could read minds, we’d all be in trouble.”

Wasn’t that the truth. The subs in the club weren’t normally a bratty bunch. They were pretty well behaved. But he’d seen some subs who wanted to be disciplined, so they acted like a brat on purpose. Nothing wrong with that, just not his thing, and he suspected not Dani’s.

“So how are we going to do this?”

“How do you think we should do it?” Gabriel picked up a chip, dipped it in the salsa, and ate it while Dani pondered his question.

“We do have a history together.” She took a sip of her margarita. “But I feel strongly that we need to get to know each other again.”

Gabriel chewed and swallowed. “Yes, we do.”

“So that means more dates?”

Her voice was soft and her tone tentative. Gabriel ate another chip while thinking over her question. More dates? For sure. He wanted a relationship with Dani, not just club play. He finished his chip and stared at her. “Yes, more dates.”

“What about at the club?”

“What would you like to do?”

Dani huffed. “Would you quit throwing my questions back at me? You’re supposed to be the Dom.”

“I’m a Dom, not a dictator. I want your input. This is a two-way street. In the club, I’m your Dom, in the bedroom, I’m your Dom. Outside of that, I’m your friend and moving my way back to being your boyfriend, I hope.”

Dani stared at him, and he could almost see the wheels turning behind her eyes. She hadn’t expected him to say that.

“That’s a lot to think about, especially the boyfriend part.”

“Which is why we’re having dinner tonight. I know the way we parted in college was not the best, but I’d like us to start over.”

Chapter 5

Dani was stunned. Gabriel wanted to be her boyfriend again? She hadn’t expected that. He’d made it clear he wanted to be her Dom in and out of the club.

Playing with Gabriel inside the club? Yes. She wanted that. It had taken her some time to come to those terms, but her body thrummed for Gabriel, and she wanted to explore kink with him. But outside of it? Dani’s emotions were all over the place. Their breakup a couple of months before graduation, while traumatic, was expected. At least, she’d figured it would happen.

Had he changed? Dani almost laughed. Not in just a few weeks. No one could change that fast, though she recognized the irony. She’d been the one telling him things had changed and now, when he told her something that had changed, she…

It was hard for her to put her faith in him.

Her trust in him had been broken, but on some level, she’d begun trusting him again; otherwise, she would have shut him down at the club and wouldn’t even consider dating him.

“I need to think about this more.”

He frowned. “I thought this was what you wanted.”

“Tonight, I’m not so sure.” She put her hands on the table. It wasn’t like her to be so indecisive. “We’ve been apart for a few years. I’m willing to try some club play, but a relationship… I’m just not sure about that yet.” Would she ever be sure of it?Yes, her heart yelled.Take the plunge.

Gabriel’s warm hand covered hers on the table. “I’m sorry I hurt you in college. I know I handled kink wrong. I also know my reactions to you in the past few weeks weren’t the best. All I can do now is to show you I’m worthy of your trust. If you’ll give me the chance.”

The waiter returned with their meals, and Gabriel let go of her hand. She missed his warmth. The food was set down in front of them, and the waiter left.

“Let’s enjoy dinner and get to know each other again,” Gabriel said.

Dani nodded and glanced down at her plate. The food looked delicious, but she could only stare at it. Was there too much past between them? And what about the secret she was keeping from him? She picked at her meal and noticed Gabriel doing much of the same.

“I put a damper on our evening; I’m sorry,” she said.