Page 35 of Tantalize

“You gave us both a lot to think about, and that’s not a bad thing.” Gabriel signaled the waiter.

“Is there something wrong with the food, sir?”

“Everything is fine. We’re just not as hungry as we thought. If you could box up the food to go, I would really appreciate it.”

“Of course, sir.” The waiter swept up the plates and walked away.

“I really am sorry, Gabriel.”

“There’s nothing to be sorry about. You’re right to be cautious, and I get it. We both have a lot of thinking to do, and I suggest we take a few days to do that. Does that work for you?”

“Yes, it does.” He was willing to give her time. Now, if she could just straighten out her own head.

* * * *

Dani walked around the pool area of Max and Sierra’s home Friday morning while she waited for Sierra to come outside. Sierra had called her yesterday and asked that she come out. Dani agreed, but wondered what was going on. She and Sierra had already agreed on the landscaping plan for the front of the house. The back area was already beautifully done with lots of plants and trees, so she wasn’t exactly sure what Sierra wanted her to do.

She turned around when the patio door opened. The last person she expected to see walk out was Gabriel. They hadn’t talked since Monday night. That hadn’t stopped him from texting her. On one hand, his attention flattered her. But she was still trying to wrap her head around their dinner.

Damn, he looked good in those jeans, work boots, and that chest-hugging, long-sleeve shirt. Her heart jumped. He’d filled out since college, and she had to say he looked damn sexy. His dark hair was mussed, as if he’d been running his fingers through it.

“Dani, I didn’t realize you were here,” he said.

“I’m just waiting for Sierra. She wanted to talk about the plans out here.”

“Max sent me out here to wait for him so we could talk about remodeling.”

Dani tilted her head and stared at Gabriel. “Do you think those two are matchmaking?”

Gabriel gave a husky laugh. “I wouldn’t put anything past them.” He walked down the stairs toward Dani. “How are you doing?”

“Fine. Work is busy, which is good.”

“That’s not what I meant.” Gabriel cupped her cheek. “We haven’t had time to talk. I want to know if you’re okay after our discussion Monday night.”

“I could ask you the same thing.” Why was she tempted to sink into his embrace and just lay her head against his chest? It’d been like that in college. Whenever Dani had a bad day or was trying to work out a problem, Gabriel would just hold her and let her be in the moment, to think.

“You could. But for me, nothing is changed. I want to be with you.”

Her heart pounded, and her body heated. If she was honest with herself, she wanted that too. But a tiny bit of fear simmered in the back of her mind. “Can we try in the club first and go from there?” That was a good compromise.

“If that’s how you want to start, I’m agreeable.”

Relief flowed through Dani’s veins. “I’m being cautious; I know.”

Gabriel shifted, bringing his body closer to hers. “You do what’s best for you. I’m not going anywhere.”

She opened her mouth to reply when the patio doors opened again, and Max and Sierra walked out. She took a step back from Gabriel, and his hand fell from her cheek.

Max took Sierra’s hand as they walked down the stairs. “I’m glad we’ve got you both here,” Max said. “We want to expand the patio area and the back area of the club to create some special gardens.”

Dani glanced around and looked back at Max. “What kind of special gardens?” Dani asked.

“The kind that will allow people to have some, shall we say, sexy outdoor fun.” Max grinned.

“Really, Max,” Sierra said, playfully hitting him on the shoulder.

“Now that sounds very interesting.” Gabriel threw Dani a sexy grin.