Without a word, I follow him inside a guest bedroom that has an airy vibe. I stand by the door. He reaches into his back pocket and hands me a piece of paper that I unfold. It’s a check for fifty million dollars.
He slides his fingers into his pockets and crosses his Italian loafers over the other, the exact same way Jasper does. “I’ve done some digging into you. I know your mother cut you off from your two-million-dollar inheritance and you’re only marrying my son to get your money. Here is more than enough for you to move on with your life and call the wedding off.”
I can do a lot with the money and start over. I wouldn’t need my money from my mother, but this is wrong. So wrong. I care more about connecting with my mother than my actual inheritance. If my mother wanted the inheritance, she could keep it.
But she doesn’t care to have a relationship with me, because I’m not doing what she wants. She wants me in the arms of Link, but I can’t give her that.
I could take the money and do what I want, like move to another state, but I’m not going to leave Jasper high and dry, that would be mean as hell. He needs me and I’m not going back on my word like I told Sophia earlier.
I shake my head and rip the check in half.
“No. I’m not for sale. I love Jasper. He’s charming, sweet, and thoughtful.” We might be at odds with each other because of him being closed off, but I’m not going to betray him. He doesn’t deserve that.
Tommy uses his thumb and his index finger to rub his forehead. “You’re a foolish girl.”
I don’t care what he thinks of me, I’m out of here.
When I place my hand on the doorknob, I inhale and exhale loudly, then turn the knob. “Gemma would have taken the money.”
I glance back at him to see him smooth out his tie.
His words pique my interest. “Who is Gemma?”
He plays with his cuff links. “The woman who destroyed his life.” He shakes his head. “Jasper is not who you think he is.”
I’m not staying here to find out who she is, and I can’t believe a thing that comes out of Tommy’s mouth. He’s conniving, and he thinks whatever he tells me about Jasper will get me to leave him so he can get James’s company instead of Jasper.
The door clicks shut when I leave the room. I need to get back to the party and find Jasper and tell him about his father.
I bump into April, who is wearing a red cocktail dress, showing off her bare legs. She looks like she’s a fairy princess. Beautiful.
“Why are you in a bedroom with Tommy Barrett?”
She glances past me, her eyes lands on Tommy who must have left the bedroom as well.
I need to choose my words carefully, because it does look strange for me to be in a bedroom with him.
Her eyes widen and she turns on her heel but I grab her by the arm.
“It’s not what it looks like.”
She snatches her arm away and looks at me in disgust. “You two were leaving a bedroom and you’re sneaking from your fiancé.”
I can’t fuck up our image as a happy couple. “We were discussing family matters. Look at me, does it look like I fucked him?”
She smiles wickedly at me. “It doesn’t matter what it looks like, I’m not going to let this juicy story slip through my fingers. The biggest scandal of all time!”
Tommy steps next to me and his glare is more deadly than a poisonous snake. “If you print a story that’s not true, girl, I will end your career. You wouldn’t be able to work at a decent job in this city, so you better back the fuck up. You will not ruin the image of my family.”
April’s eyes widen in horror, and she scurries off in the opposite direction, hanging her head down.
Tommy turns to look at me. “You’re making a big mistake by marrying Jasper. He will break your heart. And you will wish you would have taken my offer.”
I back away and wander to the backyard. Jasper is in full conversation with someone else now, so I wrap my arm around his waist, resting my head on his chest.
This day has been exhausting, and I’m ready to crawl into bed.
“We need to talk.” I stand on the tip of my toes, kissing the side of his cheek, smearing my red lipstick on it.