He follows me away from the flooded backyard and into the deep maze.
“It’s about your father.”
“What is it?”
I don’t know how to tell him how low his father just stooped. Jasper hasn’t mentioned anything about him, and I don’t know the extent of their relationship. But he needs to know what kind of person he is.
“He offered me fifty million dollars to call off the wedding. I thought you should know.”
Jasper straightens his spine and rolls his eyes. “I see. You come to tell me you took the money?”
What makes him think I would do that? I crinkle my nose and frown.
“I hope the money helps you with your future. Goodbye, Poppy.” Disappointment laces his tone, and he tries to move past me, so I tug on his arm, but he snatches it away.
“Jasper?” I say.
He stops but doesn’t turn around.
“I didn’t take the money, you idiot.”
Finally, he faces me, and shock flashes in his pupils. “You didn’t take the money?”
I look at the ground, my heels sinking into the grass, then bring my gaze back to his. “No. Why would I?”
“Whywouldn’tyou? I can’t give you what you want, your mother isn’t accepting you even though you’re getting married to me, and I can’t give you a child.”
“I could have taken the money, but I made a promise to you, and I’m not going back on my word.”
He’s completely baffled, and he steps back.
“Thank you,” he murmurs. “You didn’t have to stick around but you still are. I’ll make sure you are taken care of for the rest of your life.”
I hold my head up and flatten my dress.
“We need to get back to the party.”
He loops his arm with mine. “Very well.”
I tell Chance to drive me to Poppy’s parents’ house on Long Island. It didn’t sit right with me that her mother didn’t show up to the engagement party, and the way her eyes looked when she told me that her mother wasn’t going to show up boils my blood.
What kind of mother has her daughter work for her love? I hope one day that Poppy finds the strength to realize that she doesn’t need her mother. Poppy has a good heart and deserves better. She definitely deserves better than me. I was certain she was going to take the money from Tommy and leave me high and dry, and for the life of me I don’t understand why she would keep her word. I don’t deserve her kindness. She’s already giving up her dreams for me, and I’m not going to let her give up anything else. I knew Tommy was going to offer Poppy something—I found out from Aurora—but I didn’t expect him to bribe her with such an excessive amount.
She’s selfless and is always thinking about others, and it makes me think that maybe relationships aren’t always transactional.
I climb out of the car and knock on the walnut front door. A young man opens the door, wearing an Armani suit, his brown eyes widen and he smiles. He pushes his dark dreadlocks over his shoulders and stands tall. I didn’t recognize him at first, but then I realize it’s Poppy’s brother. She confided in me after the party that her brother ratted her out about her meeting men online. Her whole family is a shitshow, and here I thought my family was crazy as fuck. I guess that’s what we have in common, either that or we’re written in the stars like Lacey would say.
“Jasper Barrett. This is a surprise. I’m Ji—”
“Jimmy, Poppy’s brother. I know who you are.” I can’t keep the annoyance from my tone. “Is your mother or father home?”
He nods, turning on his heel to lead the way.
“I’m building a new computer and looking for an investor.”
I tune him out—I’m not about to invest in anything from him after he tried to ruin Poppy’s chance of getting her inheritance.