Page 32 of Maximus


“Just think about what I’ve said, Gia. Sometimes things aren’t what they seem. And you don’t run from your problems, little girl. You know better. I’ll give you tonight away from the compound since you’re no longer in danger from your stepdad. However, you’d better have your ass in the clubhouse first thing tomorrow morning, or I’m coming to get you. Believe me, you don’t want that.”

Before I could say anything else, the grouchy man hung up on me. He had given me a lot to think about. I still couldn’t think of a good reason for what I saw. The tears that I had been holding inside finally escaped until I fell asleep. I was dreading going back tomorrow and facing the club. I just knew they thought I was a silly twit. But King was right. I didn’t run from my problems. I was woman enough to face them head on.



Gia was gone. I couldn’t believe that bitch friend of hers came to my room. I was dead asleep, dreaming of my girl, when there was a knock at my door. I heard it, but I thought it was in my dream. Then the knocking turned into pounding. I jumped up from the bed, threw on my jeans, and snatched the door open.

There she stood, looking at me like I was a three piece and a biscuit, with sweet tea on the side. I hated the way she admired my package. Unfortunately, I was hard as a brick because I had been dreaming of fucking Gia. The longer I looked at her stupid face, the softer it got. I glared at her until I saw what she had in her hand. It was the present I asked her to get ready for Gia.

“Oh, hey, Maximus. Sorry, did I wake you?”

“Yeah,” I grunted not wanting to further the conversation with the harpy.

The next thing I knew, she was pushing her way past me and entering my room.What the fuck was her deal?She was involved with my brother, Yardbird, and she knew I was in love with her best friend. There was no reason for her to be in my room. To avoid any issues, I left the door open.

“Close the door, boy. You don’t want Gia to see her gift.”

“I’ll take my chances. How much do I owe you?”

“Well, that depends. Are you paying in cash or another way?”

“Cash! There is no other way with you. Got me?”

She laughed and then handed me the gift bag. I inspected the contents and smiled. It was done exactly to my specifications. Inside there was an invoice for $1,500. I snagged my wallet from my bedside table and fished out two grand.

“Here, I gave you extra for a job well done. Gia’s gonna love this. Thank you.”

“You’re welcome. She is my bestie. I want her to be happy, and you make her happy, Maximus.”

She walked out of the door and turned back to look up at me with a smile on her face.

“You know, that is the most I’ve ever heard you say. You’re not such an ogre after all.”

The smile that was on my lips quickly turned into a scowl as I heard my woman yelling at her friend. When Gia hauled off and slapped her, I knew things had gone terribly wrong.Fuck! Fuck! Fuckity Fuck!How the hell was I going to explain this woman coming out of my room? I was half dressed without a shirt or shoes.

I knew if I saw Gia like this with a man, there would be no talking, just slashing. I couldn’t blame her for the tongue lashing she gave both me and her friend. I tried to explain, but there was just no talking to her. Shit, I wouldn’t have believed me either. This looked bad!

My life went to shit in the blink of an eye. All because that stupid woman couldn’t follow directions. She was supposed to meet me at Toad’s gym with the gift for Gia, so the surprise wouldn’t be ruined. She knew what she was doing when she came to my room so early in the morning. She also knew Gia would be at work.

The rest of my day was spent trying to think of a way to get my Sunflower to listen to me. She was so angry the entire club heard her. I was getting texts right and left asking if I was alright. Then I received one from King demanding I meet him in his office. He was about to cut my dick off, and I didn’t even do anything.Fuck me!

“King, I swear to you, nothing happened between that girl and me. She did me a favor, that’s all.”

“Did this so-called favor involve her falling on your dick?”

“Fuck no! I asked her to get a present for Gia. She was delivering it when all hell broke out.”

“Why the hell would you have her bring it to your room? Are you that dumb?”

“She was supposed to bring it to the gym this afternoon. I don’t know why she decided to come to my room. I was fucking asleep. She knew better, but it is what it is.”

“I believe you, Maximus. You’d better be glad because I was about to castrate you. Now, what are you going to do about Gia?”

“Fuck if I know. She left the clubhouse about an hour ago. She refuses to talk to me and has blocked my number from her phone.”