Page 33 of Maximus

“You’re in deep shit, man. I’ll talk to her, but I doubt it will do any good. She’s pretty stubborn,” King said.

“Don’t I know it.”

The rest of the night I partied with my new best friends Jack Daniels™ and Jim Beam™. Those bastards dropped me on my ass and laughed as I passed out. When I crawled out of the bed the next morning, I was still hurting. I wanted to die, but I was over that shit. There was no way I would let my woman walk away from me. She was mine, and she was staying mine.

Suddenly, I was angry as fuck. How dare she run away from me and not let me explain what she saw. I wasn’t even touching that girl. She should have trusted me to know I would never do something like that to her. Especially, not with someone she considered a friend.

I showered, dressed, and stormed downstairs about to go find my woman and give her a piece of my mind. I didn’t have to search for long. She was at work behind the bar when I stumbled down the stairs, with that oversized gift bag in my hand.

“Gia, I need to talk to you, and you’re gonna stand right there and listen.”

I shouted across the clubhouse for everyone to hear. I had zero fucks left to give. My woman was acting up, and she needed to be reminded who I was. I was fucking Jefferson “Maximus” Rivers, and I didn’t take this shit from anyone. Okay, maybe I was still a little drunk from the night before, but I really wanted her to listen to me, and that was the only way I could think of to hold her attention.

Like the stubborn woman she was, she turned her back to me as if I hadn’t said a word. Oh, she was mad mad. Well, so was I. She was going to learn today. I think that’s the expression she always used when we watched movies, and someone learned their lesson. It sounded good anyway.

“Gia Denise Matthews, I fucking love you! No matter what you think you saw, you have to know I would never cheat on you. Especially, not with that girl.”

The disdain for her friend was evident in my voice. I didn’t care if the girl heard me. She needed to know her stupid need for attention was what got us into this situation. Sunflower just stood there with her back to me. At least she didn’t run again.

“Your so-called friend was doing me a favor foryou. This is why she came to my room, even though she was supposed to meet me at the gym.”

I held up the giftbag for her to see. She may have given me her back, but she was looking at my reflection in the mirror behind the bar. When she didn’t turn around, I marched behind the bar and turned her body, so she was facing me.

“Here, open it. It’s yours.”

She pulled away from my touch, and it hurt me to the core. I understood why she didn’t want me touching her, but this needed to be resolved. She was dead ass wrong, and I was going to show her why. She held out her hands and took the gift from me. I noticed how careful she was not to brush our hands together. Being the petty asshole I was, I grabbed her wrists and made her look at me.

“I love your stubborn ass. When you open this bag, you’ll see how much.”

When she pulled the gift out of the bag, her eyes filled with water. They had better be happy tears. Here I was pouring my heart out to her in front of my entire club. If she turned me down, it would be devastating.

“Oh, my Goddess! Maximus, you really got me a cut? It has Property of Maximus on the back and everything.”

“Yes, it does. And look here on the front, it has your road name with a sunflower embroidered next to it. Now, do you see I was not cheating on you. Baby, I was claiming you… for life.”

The way her face lit up told me everything I needed to know. She knew deep down that I wouldn’t betray her. I would rather eat my weapon than hurt her. She slid her arms into the leather and started preening in the mirror.

“So does that mean you want to be claimed by me?”

“Oh, hell no. I just like the jacket.”

A shocked look came over my face, as my heart dropped. Then she laughed and said, “Just kidding. Of course, I want to be claimed, as long as it doesn’t mean I have to get married. I absolutely will never do the marriage thing.”

“You say that now, but when I fill your ass with ten babies, you’ll be begging me to marry you. I, of course, will say no because you’ll be all used up.”

We both laughed knowing I would marry her tomorrow if she changed her mind. She was my forever, and I wasn’t going anywhere. She would have to pry my cold dead hands from her when I expired.

“I love you, Maximus.”

“And I love you, Sunflower.” And then I began singing our song, “Do be do be deep… Do be do be deep…”

Thank you for reading Maximus and Sunflower’s story. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed writing it. While writing this book, I listened to a variety of music that will coincide with some of the scenes. I included my Maximus Playlist for your enjoyment.

The writers in the Sin City MC Series appreciate you reading and loving our stories. Please be sure to read all the stories from Las Vegas and Oakland. Keep reading for an excerpt from Cassie Verano’s Nitro. If you haven’t read it already, you’re going to love it.


Copyright © 2023 Cassie Verano