Page 97 of Unwrapped

“Huh?Wha—?” he muttered sleepily.

“Shhh!”Celiaclapped a hand over his mouth and leaned down to whisper in his ear. “Wakeup!Somethingbad is happening—but be quiet!” she added.

TheDarkTwinsat bolt upright, his eyes glowing in the dark.

“Whatthe fuck?” he growled softly.

ButCeliawas already leaning overHoldand waking him the same way.

“Wakeup but be quiet,” she whispered in his ear. “Hurry,Hold!”

TheLightTwinsat up as well, blinking owlishly.

“What’swrong, my lady?” he murmured, his eyes also glowing.

“It’sSess’elyand her brothers, er—her worshippers,”Celiawhispered to them. “La’ver’nahas just taken them all up toFifthBranchto become ‘one with theMotherTree!’”

“FifthBranch?Fuck!”Fierce’seyes grew wide.

“Goddesshelp them all.”Holdsounded grim. “Weknow what happens up there.”

“Yes, we do and we’ve got to stop it!”Celiaexclaimed.

“Stopit?How?”Fiercedemanded in a low voice. “Theytook our weapons and they outnumber us.Plus,Sess’elyand her ‘worshippers’ are all committing incest on the regular.Isay they’re fucked.”

“That’snot fair!”Celiaargued. “La’ver’naforced them into that twisted relationship they’re in!Andnow she’s going to kill them because of it!”

“Itdoesseem unfair,”Holdagreed. “Weshould try and help them,Brother.”

Fiercethrew up his hands.

“Allright—Istill say it’s a fucking bad idea but guessI’moutnumbered.”

“Yes, you are,”Celiasaid firmly. “YoutwoClaimedme tonight which means we’re in a relationship now.Whichfurthermeans we need to all be on the same page.”

“Fine—we’ll go see if we can keep them from being eaten by the fucking tree,” theDarkTwingrowled. “Thoughhow we’re going to manage without our weapons,Idon’t fucking know.”

“We’retrained warriors,Brother,”Holdpointed out. “I’msure we can think of something.”

“Hurryup!”Celiawas nearly dancing with impatience. “Wehave to get to them beforeLa’ver’nafeeds them to theMotherTree!”

Butsneaking out of the dormitory was easier said than done.Becauseat that moment, they heard thetap-tap-tapof hooves approaching.

“Thatmust beGer’tha!”Celiahissed. “Quick—both of you suck my nipples!”

Theylaid back down in the bed in a hurry andHoldstarted licking her left nipple whileFiercesucked her right deep into his hot mouth.

“Oh….ohhhh!”Celiamoaned.Loopingher arms around their necks, she ran her fingers through their hair. “Ohyes, suck me!” she moaned even louder. “Takemy pleasure drops!”

Thecurtain at the front of their bed was twitched to one side and she sawGer’thastanding there, wearing what looked like a long, woolly bathrobe.

“Whateveris going on?” the unicorn woman demanded.

“Oh, uh—just giving…giving my worshippers my pleasure drops,”Celiapanted.Shedidn’t have to fake her sexual excitement—both theLightandDarkTwinwere sucking her tender peaks into their hot mouths, making her writhe between them.

“Well,I’mglad your pleasure drops finally came in, but you need to be a little quieter about it,”Ger’thalectured. “Youwoke me from a sound sleep and you’ll wake the rest of the dormitory too if you’re not quieter.”

“Sorry,”Celiawhispered. “I…I’lltry to keep it down.”