Page 96 of Unwrapped

Thetwo of them took her to the showers and washed her thoroughly, soaping her everywhere—well,almosteverywhere.BecauseFiercewouldn’t letHoldwash their cum completely out of her pussy.

“Itmarks her with our scent—lets other males know not to come anywhere near her,” he pointed out. “Youcan rinse her with water, but don’t use soap—Idon’t want any other scent getting in the way of our ownClaimingscent on her.”

Celiadidn’t protest as she feltHold’slong fingers slip inside her, rinsing her but not cleaning her out completely.Theydried her off afterwards and this time it was theLightTwin’sturn to carry her and lay her gently in the bed they all shared.

Shemoaned in sleepy protest as he parted her thighs, butHoldstroked her knee gently.

“It’sall right, my lady—Ijust want to be sure you’re all right,” he murmured. “Spreadyour thighs and let me see you—your little pussy took much more than it’s used to tonight andIcouldn’t really get a good look in the shower.”

“It’sall right,lelka—Holdjust wants to examine you,”Fiercereassured her.Helifted her head and pillowed it on his thigh. “Justrelax and let him have a look.”

Nowthat she had acknowledged theirClaimon her,Celiafelt like she could deny them nothing.Sighing, she left her thighs drift apart as theLightTwinlooked down at her open pussy.

“Sobeautiful,” she heard him murmur as he stroked her lightly and slipped his fingers inside once more for an internal exam. “She’sall right,Brother,” he added, looking up atFierce. “Iwas worried, but theBloodof theMotherwe’ve all been drinking seems to have worked almost as well asBondingFruitwould have to let her stretch for us.”

“It’sa damn good thing it did, thoughtI’dnever get my cock in her—she’s so fucking tight,”Fiercegrowled.HestrokedCelia’shair. “Sucha sweet, tight little pussy.Can’twait to feel you wrapped around both of us at once when our shafts are joined,lelka.Can’twait toBondyou to us.”

“Ican’t…wait either,”Celiawhispered and then yawned deeply. “Oh,I’msotired!”

“Becauseyou came so hard,”Holdtold her. “Areally intense orgasm takes a lot out of you.Whydon’t you rest between us, my lady and let us guard your sleep?”

“Yes…rest,”Celiamurmured.Andthen they were tucking her between them again, the two big male bodies bracketing her own.Shesighed and relaxed, feeling utterlyClaimed…utterly loved and owned.Shewas sure she would be withFierceandHoldfor the rest of all three of their lives and everything was going to be wonderful.Theywould leave this awful place and start their life together on theMotherShipand she would never feel lonely again.

Suchidyllic thoughts followed her down andCeliadrifted off into a dreamless sleep…

which was shattered only a few hours later with the feeling that something horrible was happening woke her.



AtfirstCeliawasn’t sure what was going on.Afeeling that something terrible was happening had woken her, but she couldn’t immediately identify what that was.Sheonly knew that she woke in a cold sweat with her heart pounding.

HoldandFiercewere still deeply asleep on either side of her and the night was still.

Anightmare,she told herself.Imust have had a nightmare.Ishould just go back to sleep—everything’s fine.

Shewas in the act of lowering herself back down to snuggle between the two big, warm male bodies again when she heard low voices speaking from the other side of the dormitory.

“Itis time,” one murmured. “Youhave been chosen to become one with theMotherTree.”

“OhmyGoddess, have wereally?”a second voice replied in an excited, breathy whisper.

“Yes, my child, but you and your worshippers must come quietly,” the voice answered. “Wemust not rouse the whole dormitory.”

Bythis timeCeliawas awake enough to identify the voices.Thefirst one belonged toLa’ver’naand the second was most definitelySess’ely.

Therewere shuffling sounds like people getting out of bed and then the muted tap-tap-tapping of many hooves on the wooden floor.

Goingto be one with theMotherTree?Celiafrowned and shook her head, trying to clear the sleep-cobwebs from her mind.Thisseemed like a bad thing for some reason but at first she didn’t know why.

“Comequietly now,” she heardLa’ver’namurmuring. “Wemust not wake anyone on our way toFifthBranch.”


SuddenlyCeliawas completely awake.Sheremembered their own trip toFifthBranchand the horrible huge room they had seen there—the walls filled with people entombed inside theMotherTree, being slowly digested forever.

“MadredeDios!”she whispered to herself in horror.Thenshe leaned overFierceand began to shake him by the shoulder.