Page 95 of Unwrapped

“No, it’snotfucking all right,”Fiercegrowled.Despitethe fact that he had finished coming inside her, he kept his shaft jammed to the root, deep in her pussy.Itfelt toCelialike he was trying to make a point.

“Whatdo you mean,Brother?”Holdfrowned, looking up at him.

“Imean that this is it—Celiaisours,”Fiercegrowled. “Doyou hear that,lelka?”Hedemanded, tightening his grip on her hips. “Youbelong to me and my brother now.Andyou’renevergoing back to that fucking idiot of a human fiancé.You’reoursnow and we’re never letting you go!Understand?”

Athis words,Celiafelt something break inside her.Thiswas where she belonged, she finally understood.BetweentheLightTwinand theDarkTwin, taking both of them, loving both of them forever.Asinfuriating asFiercecould be, he loved her—and so didHold.Andthe love they felt was like a roaring fire beside the pale, flickering candle flame ofPeter’saffection for her.

“Sayit!”Fiercedemanded, gripping her hips harder. “OrdoIhave to fuck you into submission?Ican, you know—Kindreddon’t get soft until we want to.Ican fuck you all night ifIhave to.”

Celiadidn’t know if she could take anymore.

“No!” she moaned softly.Lookingover her shoulder, she met theDarkTwin’seyes. “No, you…you don’t have to do that,” she told him, her voice shaking. “I’myours,Fierce—yours andHold’s.I’llleavePeterand stay with the two of you—Iswear it.”

Alook of triumph mixed with tenderness came over theDarkTwin’sface.

“Areyousureyou’re not just saying that because you’re afraidI’llfuck you again?” he asked.

“Yes, my lady—if you’re speaking out of fear—”Holdbegan. “Becauseif you wish to be free of us,Fiercecan’t stop you—not really.”

“I’mnot afraid of you.”Celialifted her chin and frowned back at theDarkTwin. “Butyou’re right.I…I’myours.Bothof you.Isee it now—we belong together, the three of us.”

“Good.ThenI’llpull out of you—for now, anyway, baby.ButIwarn you, now thatI’vestretched your tight little pussy out on my cock,I’mdefinitely going to want to fuck you again soon,”Fiercetold her.

“Andas soon as we get back to theMotherShip, we’ll want to use someBondingFruitso you can take both of us at once and we canBondyou to us,”Holdtold her.

“Dios!Yes…all right.”Celianodded in agreement.Shefelt lighter than she had in a long time.Itwas as though the idea ofPeterand the guilt of cheating on her fiancé had been weighing on her mind like a boulder.Butnow that she had finally given in and admitted she belonged withHoldandFierce, she felt at peace.

“Goodgirl,”Fiercemurmured. “Holdher,Brother—I’mpulling out now,” he added.

Celiamoaned as she felt the enormous cock leave her pussy—and with it a fresh gush of white cream that coated her inner thighs and dripped all over the wooden floor.

SheheardLa’ver’na’smuted gasp, which reminded her that the three of them werenotthe only ones in the room.

Actually, the priestess had shown remarkable restraint, letting them fuck the way they needed to and not interrupting, she thought tiredly.Butmaybe she’d just been watching as they put on a show that had caused everyone in the audience to go quiet.

Atthat pointLa’ver’naseemed to remember her role because she quickly began talking again.

“Andso, theGoddesstried both the male’s cocks, and she decided that both were worthy to be her worshippers.Sheinstructed them to rule their tribe together and to keep the peace between them, she came often to allow them both to use her pussy and fill her with their seed,” she said.Thenshe added, in a lower voice, “Thatwas quite a performance, my dear!”

“Thankyou,”Celiasaid tiredly.Holdhelped her to her feet but she felt herself wobbling.Shewas exhausted from all the drama…and from being so deeply fucked and coming so hard on theDarkTwin’scock.Shetook a step to go back to her place by theMotherPotthey’d been using, but stumbled and nearly fell.

“Careful,lelka!”Fiercecaught her and swung her up in his arms. “Thinkwe need to take you back down to the dorm so you can rest,” he growled, looking down at her anxiously. “WasItoo hard on you, baby?”

“No…”Celiashook her head. “No, you were just…just hard enough to make me knowIbelong with you andHold.”

“Welove you, my lady.”Holdwas suddenly at his brother’s side, stroking her hair and leaning over to kiss her forehead tenderly. “Somuch.”

“Loveyou guys too,”Celiawhispered.Hereyes were already closing. “Butso…so tired now.”

“Takeher back to the dorms and bathe her,” she heardLa’ver’nasay. “Shehas given much of herself tonight.Carefor your goddess.”

“Wewill,” she heardFiercesay. “Comeon,lelka—let’s go.”Andhe carried her out of the dining area, into the night.



Celiarevived slightly in the cool night air.Sheclung toHold’swaist while he andFiercelowered the sky-lifter down toFirstBranch.ThenFierceswung her up in his arms again and carried her back to the dorm.