Page 10 of Unwrapped

“Translation—they’re rich bastards, out of touch with working people,”Fiercegrowled. “Howcan you respect a male who’s never held down a job in his life?”

“Hey—Inever said that!”Celiaprotested, though it was pretty much true.

“Yeah, well we picked it up from the dreams we shared with you,”Fiercetold her. “Thathuman you’re with is lazy and rich and he doesn’t treat you right or recognize your worth.”

Celiawas really getting hot under the collar now!

“Youcan’t claim to know everything about me just from a few dreams!” she exclaimed, glaring up at the bigKindred. “Youdon’t knowanythingabout me andPeter.Ifhe was out of touch with working people, would he be marrying me?Iwas just his decorator until we started dating!”

“Exactly—you have ajob,”Fiercepointed out. “Youknow what it’s like to work for a living—not just have everything handed to you.”

“Thatdoesn’t necessarily make him a bad person!”Celiaprotested, even though she’d had the same thought aboutPetermore than once.

“Itdoesn’t make him a good one either—just arichone,”Fierceremarked. “Anda fucking boring one.Doeshe ever doanythingbut go around and buy things he doesn’t need?Imean, get a fucking hobby.”

“Yourfinger should be healed now,”Holdsaid, interrupting what was turning into a fight.Clearlyhe wanted to change the subject. “Howdoes it feel?”

Stillfuming,Celialooked down at her finger and blinked.

“Oh…it looks completely better!Ican’t even see the cut anymore.Howdid you do that?”

Heshrugged, a charming grin tugging at one corner of his mouth.

“Kindredmedical technology.Excuseme—Ineed to put this back.”

Hereached to the side of the ship to put back the first aid kit he’d been using, which pushedCeliaagainst his brother, much to her discomfort.

Shestiffened and tried not to lean against the rudeKindred—so far she much preferredHoldtoFierce.

Butwhile she was close to the dark warrior, she couldn’t help noticing thathesmelled really good too.Hisscent was wilder thanHold’s—she caught notes of a pine forest at night and sun warmed fur and bonfire smoke—but put all together, it still smelled amazingly attractive.Whichwas ridiculous—she wasnotin any way attracted to either one of them—especially not the arrogantFierce, she told herself firmly.Shewas in love withPeterand she was only going to be aboard theMotherShipa little while before she went back to him.

Holdshifted again and she was able to sit more comfortably back in her seat.Shefelt tiny between the two huge warriors.Thetop of her head barely came halfway up their muscular arms—it was like being a child sitting at the grownup’s table.Thisthought led to the rumors she’d heard that theTwinKindredalways shared their women sexually—which seemed blatantly impossible.Howwould they actuallyfit?

“Whatare you thinking?”Holdasked, looking down at her. “Youlook like you have a question on your mind and you know, you can ask us anything you want.”

“Okay, well…”Celiatook a deep breath. “Iwas wondering, how canbothof you be with a girl at the same time?Imean, you’re toobig.Itseems impossible!”

“Mostwomen enjoy being withTwinKindred,”Holdsaid mildly. “Oneof us can focus on pleasuring her breasts while the other concentrates his efforts on tasting her.”

“Oh, uh…”Celiatried really hardnotto imagine what he was describing. “Tastingher?” she asked. “Doyou mean…”

“Lappingher sweet little pussy,”Fiercegrowled.

“Actually, we prefer to take turns at that—since allKindredhave a biological need to taste their mates,”Holdsaid.

Celiacould feel her cheeks getting hot as she tried again not to imagine this scenario.Buther traitorous brain insisted on showing her anyway—she got a flash of an image—lying naked between the two huge warriors with one of them leaning over to suck and tease her tight nipples while the other split her thighs wide and licked her between her legs…which was somethingPeterwas completely unwilling to do.

Stopit!she scolded herself.Whywould you even think such a thing?

Shepushed the sensuous image away but she wasn’t quite ready to completely drop the subject—Holdstill hadn’t answered her real question.

“That’s, uh, interesting,” she said. “ButwhatImeant was,I’veheard all kind of rumors that you…you know, make love to a woman at the same time.ButIjust don’t see how both of you could, um,fit.”

Fiercelooked down at her, his dark eyes lazy with lust.

“Doyoureallywant to know the details of how we share a female,lelka?”he rumbled. “Ofhow we fit our shafts inside her?BecauseIcan tell you, if you want.”

“Oh,Ididn’t mean, uh…”Celiastumbled, feeling her cheeks get even hotter.Dios—what had possessed her to ask such a question? “No,Ijust meant that it doesn’t seem like you’d becompatiblewith a human woman.Imean, maybe one of you butbothof you?There’sjust no way.”