Page 9 of Unwrapped

“I…I’venever been out ofEarth’satmosphere before,” she admitted in a slightly shaky voice. “I’veonly ever been in a plane twice before—both times withPeter,” she added.

“Well, flying with us is perfectly safe,”Holdassured her, ignoring her mention of the human male. “Fierceis an excellent pilot—in fact, that’s his job aboard theMotherShip—he’s a pilot and he leads a squadron of ships.”

“Oh…Isee.”Sheglanced briefly up atFierce, who was concentrating intently on the ship’s controls and then back toHold. “And…what do you do?Fora job,Imean?”

“I’ma doctor.Speakingof which, will you let me tend your wound?”Holdheld out his free hand to her—he still had his left arm around her shoulders.

“Um…Iguess so.”Hesitantly, she extended her finger.

“Thankyou.”Holdwithdrew his arm and opened the kit.Hegot out the wound cleaner and some skin glue—the slice in her finger wasn’t deep, so the glue should close it nicely. “Thismight sting a little,” he warned her as he applied the cleaner.

Celiadidn’t flinch, though she did mutter,“Dios,”under her breath.

Holdtended her gently, taking his time and enjoying the touch of her skin.Again, nothing he did was sexual, but at this point, it didn’t need to be.

Theyneeded to take some time to get to know their new bride outside of the dreams they’d all been sharing, he told himself.Nomatter how impatientFiercemight be, he knew a slower strategy would work.

Theywould bringCeliato them a little at a time until she realized that they were the males who were right for her—the ones she needed toBondwith and be with forever.



Celiabit her lip as she watchedHoldtend her wounded finger.Shehad to admit thatPeterhad never done anything like this for her before.Herfiancé was extremely squeamish when it came to blood.Infact, the last timeCeliahad pricked her finger with a needle, he had nearly fainted when he saw a single drop of it.

Hold, on the other hand, seemed to have no problem with blood—which made sense, since he was a doctor.Thebig warrior was gentle and thorough in treating her small wound.Andnot only that—he smelledreallygood.Shetried not to, butCeliacouldn’t help comparing him to her fiancé yet again.

Peteralways smelled strongly of an ultra expensiveBurberrycologne that could only be purchased at a special perfumery inNewYork.Ithad a sharp, acerbic scent which stungCelia’snose if he wore too much—which he often did.Butthe bigKindredwarrior sitting next to her smelled completely different.

Holdhad a warm, clean, fresh scent that seemed to have several layers.Freshlaundry was one, maybe from his clothes.Andunder that was a crisp, salty note like the sea and then underthatwas a warm, masculine spice like cedar shavings.Allof that mixed together smelledwonderful,Celiacouldn’t help thinking.Wasit some kind of cologne or just his natural scent?

Shedidn’t know, since she’d never been up close to aKindredbefore, though she’d seen them in downtownTampafrom time to time.

“Whydid you come with us?”Hold’squiet question pulled her out of her musings and caught her off guard.

“WhydidI…Imean,Ididn’t have a choice, didI?”Celiademanded, flustered. “Youtwo were going to take me, no matter whatIsaid.”

“Wewere going to try and persuade you to come with us,”Holdcorrected her. “Butyou decided to come even before we tried—why?”Hegave her an intense look as he asked, andCeliafound it was hard to meet his hazel-green eyes.

“Oh, well…Imean,Ididn’t want to see you guys get into a fight withPeter,” she said rather lamely.

“Afight?Withthat pipsqueak?”Fiercelet out a snort of laughter from her other side.

“Hey—Petercan fight!”Celiasaid, glaring up at him, though she had no idea if what she was saying was true. “You’reso arrogant, just because you’re so tall and muscular!”

“Yes,Iam,lelka.”Fiercegave her a challenging stare. “Iknow my worth.Youshould too—and youwould, if you weren’t with that weak little human!”

“Why, you—”Celiabegan, her temper rising.

“Whatmy brother istryingto say is that it would shame us to fight an opponent who is so much physically weaker,”Holdsaid, clearly trying to lower the tension level. “Wewould have found a way to bring you with us without resorting to violence.”

Celiafrowned at him too.

“Peterisfine.Justbecause he’s not a seven-foot-tall alien warrior,doesn’tmean he’s weak.Besides, it’s not like he fights for a living or anything—he doesn’t need to be all big and muscular.”Shehated that she felt like she had to defend her fiancé, especially since she couldn’t really pretend thatPeter’sslight physique was anything but what it was—kind of skinny and weak.

“Whatdoeshe do for a living?”Fierceasked, looking down at her. “Besidessit around in that big domicile of his all day?”

“Peter’sfamily owns several businesses,”Celiasaid defensively.Tobe honest, she didn’t really knowwhather fiancé did.Hismother still controlled most of the family’s wealth, soPeterseemed to have endless time to fly around the country going on vacations. “Theyhave generational wealth,” she added, because it sounded important.