Page 73 of Unwrapped

AtfirstCeliawas startled but after a moment she realized this must be theJoCostaTwelveway of applauding.So, feeling slightly ridiculous, she started hooting too.


Holdtook it up as well butFiercejust sat there, a sardonic grin tugging at one corner of his mouth.

“Fuckingridiculous,”Celiaheard him mutter.

“Sess’ely, my dear, thank you so much for doing such a lovely job enacting the role of theGoddess,”La’ver’nasaid, ending the hooting applause. “Andnow, it’s time for everyone to get back to the dormitory.Wehave a busy day ahead of us tomorrow, as always.”

Everyonerose from their cushions on the floor and started to file towards the door of the dining area.ButbeforeCeliaandHoldandFiercecould get into line,La’ver’nawas there, her hands on her hips and a scowl on her face.

“Wedonotappreciate it when new recruits make fun of our beliefs!” she snapped, glaring up atFierce, who frowned back.

“Look,I’msorry but your beliefs are kind of fucking ridiculous,” he growled. “Imean, who ever heard of offering a female your cock to sit on when she asks for a chair?Thatkind of talk will get you slapped on most planets!”

“Weare not on ‘most planets’—we are onJoCostaTwelveand you are still onlyguestsof theSisterhoodofPeace!” the unicorn priestess snapped. “TheGoddesslaid with many of her worshippers—which is why we females who follow in her footsteps do our best to lay with as many of our own worshippers as we can.Weoffer our bodies in reverence to theGoddess—notto be the butt of your jokes!”

“ForgivemyBrother,”Holdsaid smoothly, stepping in front ofFiercebefore theDarkTwincould answer. “Hehas no manners and has yet to grasp an understanding of your ways.”

“Well, he’d betterfindsome if the three of you want to get your ship fixed!”La’ver’nasnarled. “I’mbeginning to regret offering the three of you even a trial membership with theSisterhood!”

“Wepromise it won’t happen again,”Holdsaid earnestly. “Please—what can we do to make amends?”

“Maybewe could help with the dishes?”Celiaasked quickly.Asthey filed out, the other recruits had left their wooden bowls and spoons in two large wooden tubs by the door and they were still just sitting there, waiting to be washed.

“Well…we do take kindly to acts of service,”La’ver’nasaid grudgingly. “Isuppose the three of you may do the wash for tonight.I’llinform the usual washers that they won’t be needed.”

“Thankyou,Priestess,”Holdsaid, nodding. “Ifyou’ll just tell us where to take them?”

“Thesink for washing is around through there.”La’ver’napointed to a small door in the rounded corner of the room thatCeliahadn’t seen earlier. “Onceyou wash them, stack them in the drying racks and go directly back to your dormitory—do you understand?”

“Weunderstand completely.”Holdnodded.

“Good.Andonce you get back, do something for those nipples,” she added, looking down her long equine nose atCelia’sbare breasts. “Iwant to see them turning blue as soon as possible!”

Thenshe turned and flounced out of the large communal dining room without another word.



“Idon’t see how any of this ismyfault,”Fiercegrowled as the three of them stood at the long, narrow wooden sink and washed the dirty bowls and spoons. “Iwas only saying what all of us were thinking—who offers to let a female suck his cock when she asks for a drink of water?Itwould be fucking insulting!”

Holdblew out a breath of apparent frustration.

“That’snot the point,Brother!Thepoint is, they’re telling a story that’s sacred to them.”

“Youcan’t go making fun of someone’s religious beliefs,”Celiasaid, agreeing with theLightTwin. “Iknow everything they were saying was silly, butDios, we’re trying to get the ship fixed—try not to get us kicked out before that happens, okay?”

“Yeah, all right.”Fiercesighed and ran a wet hand through his hair, which made it stick up in spikes and whorls. “Sorry.It’sjust so fuckingsilly.”

“Well, silly or not, we have to respect their beliefs—at least until we get out of here,”Celiaremarked.Shewiped her forehead with the back of her arm. “Dios, this is alotof bowls.”

“Oh, are you getting tired,goddess?”Fierceasked, making an elaborate bow that dripped cold water on the floor from the bowl he was holding. “CanIoffer you my cock to sit on?Ipromise it’sextremelycomfortable once it slides up inside your tight little pussy and pumps you full of my cum.”

Celiacouldn’t help laughing as she slapped him on the arm, though she could feel her cheeks getting hot too.Theimage of sitting on theDarkTwin’slap, asSess’elyhad sat on her worshipper, and letting his hard cock slide deep inside her wouldn’t quite leave her mind’s eye.

It’sjust theMotherTree’scrazy energy making you hot and horny,she told herself.Stopthinking about it,Celia—it’s not going to happen!RememberPeter—you’re going to marry him as soon as you get home.