Page 74 of Unwrapped

Ifthey ever did manage to get home, that was.

Theyfinished the dishes at last, leaving all the wooden bowls in the drying racks.Itoccurred toCeliathat none of the wood that came in contact with the water was warped or ruined in any way.Theymust coat it with some kind of waterproof resin or something, she thought.Ormaybe it was theMotherTreeprotecting itself?Shedidn’t know and since they were hoping to leave here soon, she didn’t plan to find out.

“There—that’s done.”Holdsighed and shook his head. “Tryto hold your tongue next time,Brother—I’drather not do this particular chore again.”

“Meeither!”Celiasaid emphatically. “Comeon—let’s get back to the dorm.”

“Why, soHoldandIcan have another try at turning your nipples blue?”Fiercegave her a half-lidded look. “Iwouldn’t mind sucking them some more…or maybe tasting your sweet little pussy.”

Hiswords combined with the relentless energy of theMotherTreemadeCeliaso hot she could hardly stand it.Butof course she wasn’t going to let theDarkTwinknow that he was affecting her.

Shegave him an exasperated look.

“Fierce, do you always have to—”

“Shhh!”Holdput a finger to his lips, his eyes growing wide.

“What?Whatis it?”Celiawhispered.Fierceseemed to be hearing something too, because he had his head cocked to one side and was frowning with intense concentration.

Rememberingtheir sharpKindredsenses,Celiarealized they must be hearing something she couldn’t—like a dog hearing a dog whistle.Butafter a moment of heavy silence, she heard it too—it was a familiar voice—severalfamiliar voices in fact.

“…wish you hadn’t markedSess’elyas the next to beChosento be one with theMotherTree,” the first voice said.Itwas theMistressofSilks,Celiarealized.

“Youalways were ridiculously fond of that girl,” the second voice, which was immediately identifiable asLa’ver’na, answered.

“Yes, but she was so innocent and sweet when she came to us,” theMistressofSilksprotested. “Andshe’s still very sweet, even though she can’t strictly be called innocent anymore.”

“Shemay be sweet but she’s useless as an emissary of theGoddess,” the priestess replied. “Youknow we can’t send her back toJoCostaPrimeto try and bring us new converts—not with her, er,situation.Thinkof the outcry we’d get!”

“Yes,Iknow…Iknow,” theMistressofSilkssighed. “Itjust seems a shame that she must feed theMotherTreewhen she’s still so young.”

“ButtheMotherTreemustbe fed so that she will nourish all of us and we may spread the light of theGoddess,”La’ver’napointed out. “I’lltell you what-we’ll give her a little more time before we take her and her worshippers up toBranchFive.Butsooner or later, theymustgo—theMotherTreegrows hungry, even with all the sexual energy of the new recruits.”

“Speakingof new recruits,Iheard you had some trouble with the ones you accepted today,” theMistressofSilksremarked.

“Ohyes—they couldn’t understand the beauty of theGoddesslaying with many different males and letting them breed her.Oneof them actuallylaughed—can you imagine?”La’ver’nasounded irritated and offended—at least toCelia. “Imade them wash the dishes from tonight’s supper—they should be back at the dorm by now, though,” she added.

“Doyou thinktheywill make good emissaries for theGoddess?” theMistressofSilksasked.

“Theywill if the little female’s nipples ever turn blue and she starts producing the pleasure drops.Shecan’t hope to control those two huge males without the power of the drops,” the priestess answered.

Controlthem?Celiaexchanged a look withHoldandFierce.Whatwasthatsupposed to mean?

“Hernipples had better turn blue soon, or we’re just going to confiscate their ship and send them toBranchFive,”La’ver’nawent on. “Thosetwo males of hers are too dangerous to be left to their own devices.”

“Butwill theMotherTreeaccept them as a sacrifice if they’re not true members of theSisterhood?” theMistressofSilksasked.

“Oh, certainly—she only wants to be fed, she doesn’t really care who she feeds on as long as she gets her nourishment,”La’ver’naanswered. “Look,Imust go now—several of my worshippers are starting to waken.Imust feed them some of my pleasure drops to keep them quiescent.”

“Ofcourse.Well, have a good night.”

Thevoices faded out and after a moment it seemed clear thePriestessand theMistressofSilkshad left the dining room.

Fora long moment,CeliaandHoldandFiercejust stared at each other in silence.AndthenFiercesaid,

“Whatdoes she mean you need to make the pleasure drops to control us?”

“Maybea female’s body makes a kind of sedative that affects males after being subjected to theMotherTree’senergy,”Holdsaid speculatively.